A client asked today why his RAL Studio application got so big.
The reason was (this time) not my plugin, but RBScript. For Mac OS X Intel, the plugin adds 958 KB to your application. With REAL Studio 2010r3 and newer REAL Software switched to LLVM which increases the plugin size to 10.5 MB.
If you care for download size of your application and you need RBScript, you may want to keep with older version.
It's the same decision people do when they use REAL Studio versions before 2008r2 to build Windows applications to avoid the libs folder.

As you can read on
AppleInsider, the PPC support seems to go away from Mac OS X 10.7. I don't expect Apple to ship Xcode with PPC support for Lion.
This means that once I move to Mac OS X 10.7 for developing plugins, I will drop PowerPC support. That will likely be as soon as the GM version is available (maybe two weeks before official launch). Whether Mac OS X 10.4 support has to end the same day, depends on whether I can configure compilers to output plugin libraries which still load on Tiger.
On Saturday 26th February, you can find the new magazine Mac & i on kiosks. As the magazine is in German, expect it only on places where you can buy German speaking newspapers and magazines. Included on this issue is a CD with 27 applications. And one of them is REAL Studio. You get a free personal edition license as well as a three month web edition demo license. A perfect gift for people who want to start with REAL Studio development.
I'm not affiliated with heise, but I think this is great: First to have a new Mac related magazine and second to have REAL Studio promoted.
c't special Mac & i ab sofort bestellbar
I got a notice that there are two Holiday Inns. Well, the one I'm staying it is the Holiday Inn in Frohnhauser Straße 6. The other Holiday Inn Express is located in Thea-Leymann-Straße 11. I think the express one is cheaper, but you have 200 meter more to walk to the conference.
There a list of hotels near our conference:
- Hotel Lindenhof, 250m
- Holiday Inn Essen City Centre Hotel, 350m
- Ambassador City Hotel, 400m.
- Hotel Zum Deutschen Haus, 450m
- Hotel Europa, 550m
- Hotel Korn, 600m
- Holiday Inn Express Hotel Essen, 700m

REAL Studio event in Osaka, March 26 (Saturday) 10:00 to 16:00, and Training Center, Osaka.
Take the chance (if you live in Japan or surrounding countries) to learn more about REAL Studio, the Web Edition and connect to developers in your area.

We host our websites with
domainfactory and their hosting is climate neutral

That means they pay for climate certificates for projects which save the same amount of carbon dioxide as they produce for their hosting.
PS: Monkeybread Software itself runs with green power.
Location is the
Unperfekthaus. The website can be switched to english, so take a look. We are in room 154 there and we may also have a dedicated extra room for extra sessions as well as reserved cafeteria area.
Next to the Unperfekthaus is the mall
Limbecker Platz as well as the central shopping streets of Essen. There are a few central hotels nearby. My preference is the
Holiday Inn Hotel Essen City Centre, but there are other good locations. You can easily walk from the main station to the conference location and this hotel.
We already got first registrations, so we know that people from four European countries will be there. With those visitors and three english only speakers on our list currently, we may turn to do everything in english. But we'll see.
Registration is open. Schedule should be only later this week:

I hope you all watched it

See the picture above from my attendance in the audience of RTL 2 Funclub aired today.

Studio Stable Database Server is a database server for REAL Studio. It's written in REAL Studio itself and uses REALSQLDatabase on the server. So basically turning a server interface over SQLite and the same as REALserver was. But the backend as well as the interface is both written in REALbasic instead of C/C++.
Today I tested it. I can install my SQLite extension by simply copying the extension file into the extensions folder. Once that is done, I can use the SQL commands and enjoy my
See this example code which connects to a local server and performs the UsernameMBS function:
Sub Open()
dim address as string = ""
dim port as integer = 3100
dim applicationName as string = "TestApp"
dim password as string = "test" // this is the server password.
// connect to SSD Server
dim ssdb as new SSDatabase(address, port, applicationName, password, false)
if ssdb.Connect then
// run a function
dim r as SSRecordSet = ssdb.SQLSelect("select UserNameMBS()")
if r<>nil then
// show result of function
MsgBox r.IdxField(1).StringValue
MsgBox ssdb.errorMessage
end if
MsgBox ssdb.errorMessage
end if
More information here:
PS: There is a special offer available this week (until 27th February) for the license with source code. Maybe a good chance?
With source code you can modify the whole server to your needs.
Two weeks ago we did take part in a TV show recording sitting in the audience. So if you see me in the second row next to my buddy Jochen.
The TV show is "Fun Club - Comedystars liveShow / Comedy", today 22:30 o'clock on RTL II here in Germany.
I'll post pictures later tonight

REAL Studio Developer Magazine is having a special one-day sale. On President's Day (Monday, February 21, 2011), all orders over $25 are 20% off!
We're keeping this simple, with no gimmicks or absurd limitations. The 20% discount is valid for all our products: subscriptions, back issues, printed books, CDs, even renewals! For instance, it's a great way to pick up a copy of
RBD Archive 8 at a big discount. But this coupon is only good on February 21, 2011, so hurry to take advantage of our President's Day sale!
To get the discount, just use the coupon code PREZDAY when placing your order on our store:
If you have any questions about this offer, please let me know.
Marc Zeedar
REAL Studio Developer
Don't miss it. Last chance:
facebook.com. Still confusing. I tried 3 times to get a business account now and on the end I made a personal one...
You are welcome to add me as friend or like me

I also added events for the two REAL Studio conferences.

Who: Everyone interested in developing in REAL Studio
What: Monthly Meeting
Where: Ippolito's Restaurant, Sandy Springs, GA
When: February 21st, 2011 - 6pm to 9pm
Why: Talk about the latest news including the release of REAL Studio Web Edition!
As always, first pizza is on me!
Click here for a map to Ippolito's
(from Kevin Cully)

New in this prerelease of the 11.1 plugins:
- DynaPDF Plugin now compiled with DynaPDF 3.0. The API is nearly the same except some cleanup we made and a couple of new functions.
- Updated DynaPDF 2 Plugin to version dynapdf (DynaPDF 2 plugin is available as separated download.)
- Updated DynaPDF 3 Plugin to version dynapdf
- Fixed RemoveWindowProxyIconMBS and WindowProxyIconFileMBS for Cocoa targets.
- Fixed crash in PhidgetManagerMBS destructor.
- Fixed WinLocalizationMBS properties to be now console safe.
- Added CloseForString and CreateForString to GZipFileMBS class.
- Added StrMBS function.
- Added BeginTransparencyLayer, BeginTransparencyLayerWithRect and EndTransparencyLayer to CGContextMBS class.
- Removed DynaPDFMissingFunctionExceptionMBS and DynaPDFErrorExceptionMBS classes. Please implement the error event like in our examples.
- Renamed DynapdfPDFAnnotationExMBS to DynaPDFAnnotationExMBS.
- Renamed DynapdfPDFChoiceValueMBS to DynaPDFChoiceValueMBS.
- Renamed DynapdfPDFFieldExMBS to DynaPDFFieldExMBS.
- Renamed DynapdfPDFFieldMBS to DynaPDFFieldMBS.
- Renamed DynapdfPDFNamedDestMBS to DynaPDFNamedDestMBS.
- Renamed DynapdfPDFStackMBS to DynaPDFStackMBS.
- Renamed DynapdfPDFSigParmsMBS to DynaPDFSigParmsMBS.
- Removed DynapdfPDFRectMBS. We now use only one rect class: DynaPDFRectMBS
- Added DynaPDFStackMBS Font property to return DynaPDFFontMBS object (instead of old IFont handle property).
- Changed SetFillColor and SetStrokeColor events in DynaPDFParseInterfaceMBS class to include the color space object.
- Added BeginLayer and EndLayer events to DynaPDFParseInterfaceMBS class.
- Added DynaPDFNamedDestMBS.DestFile property.
- Added DynaPDFErrorMBS class.
- Added DynaPDFRectMBS Constructor.
- Fixed DynaPDFFieldExMBS.BBox to return a DynaPDFRectMBS.
- Added Barcode and Signature properties to DynaPDFFieldExMBS class.
- Changed/Added a few properties on DynaPDFImageMBS class.
- Changed GetFontEx, GetField, GetFieldEx and GetColorSpaceObj to have index parameter in DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added GetInFieldCount, GetNamedDest and GetNamedDestCount to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added DynaPDFBarcodeMBS class.
- Added DynaPDFSigDictMBS class.
- Removed IMixingHints and ProcessColorSpaceHandle from DynaPDFDeviceNAttributesMBS class.
- Changed DynaPDFDeviceNAttributesMBS.Separations to return DynaPDFColorSpaceMBS objects.
- Added DeviceNAttributes property to DynaPDFColorSpaceMBS class.
- Renamed Alternate in DynaPDFColorSpaceMBS class to AlternateType.
- Removed AlternateHandle property and added Alternate property to DynaPDFColorSpaceMBS class to get a colorspace object directly.
- Added DynaPDFMBS.HaveOpenPage.
- Added new constants for DynaPDFMBS: katMovieAnnot, katPrinterMark, katProjection, katRichMedia, katRichMediaExec, katScreen, katTrapNet, kcivCustom, kdfCrypt, kdiCreationDate, kdiModDate, kdiPDFX_Conf, kfaiUserDefined, kfpfImagesOnly, knaUserDef, ktoAnnots and ktoFields.
We are happy to announce that the beta tests of DynaPDF 3.0 start this weekend.
The new version offers a new, very robust and fully PDF 1.7, Extension Level 5 compatible PDF parser that is also able to repair damaged PDF files. In the today's world, with the huge amount of available PDF libraries, it is more and more important to be able to read damaged PDF files. Therefore, DynaPDF 3.0 contains now very powerful repair capabilities which are applied in background. Minor issues and repairs will be reported to the new error log.
The new PDF parser does not allocate large memory blocks and only compressed objects are hold in memory. In addition, it reads only required parts of a file to enable high performance access to single pages of very large PDF files. The access time to single pages does practically no longer depend on the file size. For example, the required processing time to extract one page from a PDF file that contains about 200.000 pages is now just a few milliseconds. DynaPDF 2.5 required about two minutes on a fast system, as long as the file did not already produce an out of memory exception!
Beside the new PDF parser DynaPDF 3.0 contains many improvements in detail such as support for images with an alpha channel, layer handling when parsing PDF files, better form handling, and, and, and...
With exception of two functions DynaPDF 3.0 is fully backward compatible. Your existing applications should work without changes in the source codes.
We are now already one months behind the originally planned release date and the current beta release does not yet contain the promised rendering capabilities. About four till six weeks development time are still required before the rendering functions can be released. So, the final release is now planned for April.
Please test your applications carefully with the new version and report ALL errors that you can find.
PS: Learn more about DynaPDF 3.0 on the REAL Studio conference in Essen, Germany...
Can't make it to Atlanta? Maybe the REAL Studio Conference in Essen, Germany is closer to home. Starting with a casual get-together evening event on May 20th, sessions at "realcon2011" will be presented in German and English on May 21st and May 22nd
The sociable and vibrant town, European Capital of Culture in 2010, in the heart of the Ruhr region offers an ideal setting for two informative and communicative days pivoting around REAL Studio, the brand-new Web Edition and many more interesting topics. We already have participants and speakers registered from the entire German-speaking region, as well as from neighbouring European countries.
Keep an eye on the MBS Blog or mailing lists for updates on the conference.
Registration form and more information are available here:
if you are from that area, please post to the
REAL Studio Forum.

New in this prerelease of the 2.3 plugins:
- Fixed linking bug with libcrypto so the plugin loads again on Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5.
- Added Window.ShowOverlay and Window.HideOverlay.
- Added Window.AsPDF function.
- Added WebView.SearchText.
Two good news.
First I'm happy that we can meet Marc Zeedar there. Marc runs the
REAL Studio Developer Magazine for eight years now and I really like the magazine. If you come to Atlanta, you have the chance to get the yearly books there cheaper. At least without shipping cost. Just tell him what you'd like and he can take it with him to Georgia.
Second news is that I heard that the numbers are looking good and we have more people there than in Boulder, CO two years ago.
You can still sign up:

We extended the Omega Bundle to the 20th February in hope that everyone who wants to get it, has a chance to place his order.
A few quotes form our survey:
- “The top two items on my wish list alone would sum up higher than this bundle, so it was a no-brainer. Plus I get a lot more valuable items than I ever dreamed of. Thank you for this excellent offer!!!” (Oliver Lannert)
- “I found out about the bundle when I was deciding to purchase realstudio. And the omegabundle 2011 just made that decision easier. I found the articles in RS developer magazine very useful to jumpstart me into this exciting world of realstudio programming. In under 2 weeks, I completed my first app which I just submitted to the Mac App Store. In this app, I used a number of components from the omegabundle like the Aspen icon set, mbs complete, elastic window and rb code report. Subsequent apps that I would work with would include a database portion which I would use Valentina adk.” (Edwin Lau)
- “Get that kind of tools for a price like that is the best buy of the year! It also get You on the track with Real Basic Studio. What I like to see is articles where one or more tools are part of the solutions. As it is now, You may forget or even don't really understand the real power of all products.” (Dennis Wallentin)
- “This was probably one of the best bundles I have seen in a long time for any software. This bundle hit on a lot of key items I have been looking at for awhile. Well done.” (tnofing1)
- “I've been wanting to get the MBS Plugins and FTC for a while now. The addition of the Valentina products and the RS Developer Magazine made this purchase too easy. The other stuff looks cool to play with too.” (Tony Brongo)
- “Great thing as the RS Developer magazine extends my subscription.” (Aernoud Boer)
Welcome Greg O'Lone!
See article on REAL Software Blog
So we have now four REAL Software engineers on the
Atlanta REAL Studio Summit: Geoff Perlman, Thom McGrath, Greg O'Lone and Norman Palardy. And maybe you?
Today a client asked for how to make a chart with some special features. It looks like this:

We have Y axis hidden, white lines, a wonderful gradient for the background and the data points hit the border of the chart. Actually we have two line layers and two scatter layers for the data points. If you want to have the points above the lines, you need to move the addScatterLayer lines above the addLineLayer lines as the chart is build from front to back. Here is the source code:

Did you see my quote on the last newsletter? I've been using Web Apps a lot and got quite a few things working. But I also found a lot of issues. Maybe you want to sign on, add your comment and put those in your favorites:
- #15919: shiftkey is NULL or no object: Crashes web app on IE8 when clicking on listbox.
- #15917: Focus not set on textfield if was just enabled: Shows Javascript error dialog on IE8. Fails silently on Safari.
- #15918: WebListbox row height not correct. Can't get rows smaller.
- #15776: Performance slowdown with RS 2010r5.1 on webapps (compared to RS 2010r5)
- #15921: old push urls crash web app.

Is that already 10 years since I signed up? First it was free, later I paid for it. Now it's named MobileMe.
I'm still using the disc space (good to have 20 GB extra on another server for file downloads). Also synchronization between Macs for my calendars and contacts is a must. And of course when traveling and you have to send an email and none of my Macs (or iDevices) nearby, the me.com login is easy to remember.
Congratulations Apple!
Do never, never and never change libcrypto library files.
On Mac OS X if you move them out of the lib folder, overwrite with some other version or somehow else destroy them, you are lost.
Nearly no application will launch. Finder can't copy files any more as all the authorization stuff won't work.
Terminal will not be able to use sudo or su commands. VMWare will crash on startup.
Solution: Target disc mode and fix from other Mac.
so don't replace files in /usr/lib.
Our live chat feature is working just fine.
Here a screenshot from a day last week with 18 people online

The best way for a quick chat.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have a question.

Some people asked what they get with
Omega Bundle (over $3200 worth of REAL Studio add-ons for just $399 until 14th February 2011), so we have this articles to give you an overview:
Also we include now an 11th item: Everyone who bought the bundle and filled a survey, will receive the new Aspen DB Icon Set, which adds an additional 47 icons (a $99 value).
Also of interest to bundle purchasers, Paradigma Software has released
iValentina for iOS (iPhone and iPad), a pair of apps for the Apple mobile devices that allow remote database users to work with Valentina Office Server, which is included with the
Omegabundle 2011 for REAL Studio.
Recently I read this article in the daily:
Bad news travels fast - Beware the high-speed rail boondoggle. It's amazing that USA doesn't really have a fast railway network.
Recently I made this picture on an ICE train:

Actually it was 243 km/h, but until I had my iPhone out to take the picture, it went down to 233 as we were approaching the next station. This train drives regularly with 280 km/h which is 170 miles per hour.
Even as you can drive that fast legally on highways in Germany, using the train can be very comfortable. You can surf the web, watch video or have your dinner in the train.
So if you plan to build high speed railroad in the US, why not connect places like Chicago and Atlanta with a train going so fast that a race between two persons going from one city to the other, the one taking the train arrives faster than the other taking the airplane? And not an 80 miles railroad described in the article above.
Just my 0.02 cents...

New in this prerelease of the 11.1 plugins:
- Added NSHTTPCookieMBS and NSHTTPCookieStorageMBS classes.
- Updated to SQLAPI++ 3.7.35.
- Added Picture GetMaskMBS function for leak testing.
- Added gworld state saving to NSSavePanelMBS and CustomNSViewMBS classes events for the case you use QuickDraw picture functions in order to avoid crashes.
- Added unregisterDraggedTypes and registerForDraggedTypes to NSWindowMBS class.
- Added unregisterDraggedTypes, registerForDraggedTypes, registeredDraggedTypes to NSViewMBS class.
- Added NSSecureTextFieldMBS class.
- Added NSSearchFieldMBS class.
- Added NSControlMBS.cell
- Added SecureDongleXMBS module.
- Fixed memory leak in GetMBfromPictureMBS.
Today I improved the search fields on our websites on the left. It now searches
mbsplugins.de (this blog),
monkeybreadsoftware.de (our main page) and
monkeybreadsoftware.net (documentation).

The Omage Bundle 2011 has been an overwhelming success. It's still time for you until 14th February 2011 to order your copy. And as a bonus to new and existing bundle customers, we have an extra Icon set and three articles to read:
We'd like your feedback on the products. There is a very, very short survey we would like you to complete. We estimate it will take less than 5 minutes to complete. This survey is only by invitation and only open to purchasers of this bundle.
Oh yes - we aren't holding a raffle or drawing on this one - EVERYONE who participates will get a special Aspen DB Icon Set bundle of icons, currently in production and slated to ship February 14, 2011. This extends the Aspen Icon Set you received as a part of the bundle with 47 additional icons specifically for working with data - perfect for use with Valentina or any other database! This Icon Set has a USSRP price of $99 - yours for free.
Also, don't forget to read new, informative articles on your purchase:
10 Things you Can Do with MBS Complete <<- just added!
10 Hottest Features of Valentina Office Server
iValentina for iPhone, iPad for FREE (use with Valentina Office Server)
read the full story on the
REAL Software Blog

REAL Studio developers with big projects worth several $10000 of resources time spent for development ask for obfuscation. That's the reason we have the obfuscation tool included with our plugins. If you don't know it, check this video. But there are more things people like to hide. So I wrote today (after a long discussion with one of this clients) this cases:
- #15748: Add option to build process to obfuscate plugin names
- #15752: Optionally embed resources in executable binary
- #15751: Add compiler option to obfuscate strings in binary.
- #15749: Add option to build process to obfuscate framework library
- #15750: Add function to lookup control's javascript ID
As you see I included one to deobfuscate for Web Edition. That's useful for everyday debugging and looking on the html code.

See yourself:
It's still possible to register for the REAL Studio Summit 2011 and meet people from all over the world.

New in this prerelease of the 11.1 plugins:
- Added HIconFromFileMBS and HIconFromPicturesMBS functions.
- Fixed crash in JSONMBS.FindFirstLabel.
- Fixed PhidgetSpatialMBS.setCompassCorrectionParameters method.
- Fixed PhidgetSpatialMBS.SpatialData event bug.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
You want them all?
You can have them with the
Omega Bundle: 50 back issues of the REAL Studio Developer Magazine and a full year subscription.
Congratulation to Marc Zeedar for 50 issues in eight years. And always more up to date than any REAL Studio related book.
With using olark for chat on the website, I get a lot of chats. Now I used to have text invitations spoken by my Mac. But with every chat from my websites, I get a lot of text about the person asking. For example the URL the person is visiting and I don't like this to be spoken. So this script can be used for iChat to speak only chats from AIM or Bonjour, but not over Jabber:
using terms from application "iChat"
on received text invitation theText from theBuddy for theChat
set theService to service of theChat
set theType to service type of theService
if (theType = Jabber) then
-- do nothing
say theText
end if
end received text invitation
end using terms from