We rebuild the the DynaPDF library for iOS, so you can use the current version of DynaPDF with your FileMaker iOS SDK apps when using the MBS FileMaker Plugin.
We include four variants in our download:
- DynaPDF for iOS Device
64-bit for device - DynaPDF for iOS Simulator
64-bit for simulator
When building your iOS app, just include the dynapdf framework file in the frameworks folder inside the app and call
DynaPDF.Initialize in the start script passing the framework name and your license key.
The result should be OK if everything worked. If you get an error message including "mach-o, but wrong architecture", well you did copy the wrong framework file.
DynaPDF iOS or
We use a 3 component version number for the framework as required by Apple. For testing on your own device, please make sure the framework has your code signature.
In this article I want to introduce you the new functions from the MBS FileMaker Plugin in version 11.2.
In general we are ready for Apple Silicon as this plugin ships with arm64 code for macOS included. And our Linux version of plugin should load on Ubuntu. And for macOS in the Script Workspace we got option-click to jump right into calculation for set fields and variable script steps.
Let's start with the new functionalities from the component SQL. We got support in SQLite for ICU libraries. The SQL.InternalSQLiteLibrary.SetICUEnabled function enable or disable the use of ICU libraries. Suitably to this we have the function SQL.InternalSQLiteLibrary.ICUEnabled that queries whether ICU libraries are enabled.
Normally we load them when SQLite initializes and we add the ICU extension if we find the library. But with the SQL.InternalSQLiteLibrary.LoadICU function we can explicit load them now. If we want to know whether the ICU libraries were loaded we can query the status with SQL.InternalSQLiteLibrary.ICULoaded. If we want to know whether the ICU libraries are used, we can use the SQL.InternalSQLiteLibrary.ICUUsed function. If this function returns 1, they are used. If they are not used we get a 0 as result.
We also have two new functions to convert timestamps between another database and FileMaker. A time, date or timestamp in FileMaker has a different format than a time in a SQL query. We can use the SQL.ConvertDateTimeToSQL function to convert a FileMaker time to a SQL time. The SQL.ConvertDateTimeFromSQL function does the opposite. It converts a time value that we get from SQL of another database into a format that is readable by FileMaker.

In this article I want to introduce you the new functionalities from the
MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.2.
Let’s start with RabbitMQ. We add a new RabbitMQ plugin part to wrap the open source RabbitMQ C library and bring the functionality to Xojo.
RabbitMQ itself is an open-source project implementing a message-broker software. It's a server software to do message queues and then there are various clients available to use the services.
We got a couple of classes for you:
The connection class allows to connect and then use the services. This includes managing queues and exchanges, so you can declare a new queue if needed. Then you can send messages to the queue or receive messages. We already got 10 example projects made for you to try the various things by translating a few C examples. Since you can install RabbitMQ yourself on a local VM, you can just try it locally. We include OpenSSL library, so you can use with and without SSL options. As usually the plugin handles memory and error management and hides a couple of low level stuff, especially all the value serialization with arrays, tables and variants.
We regularly get the question whether our plugin could tell you the IDs of new records created by the plugin.
The answer is that this information is not available, since FileMaker doesn't have a way in SQL to get the ID of last primary key created. Databases like mySQL have a function called LAST_INSERT_ID to return the serial number generated for a primary key via auto increment. FileMaker doesn't do that and also that wouldn't work for UUIDs, too.
Since all tables have a RowID column, you can always query the maximum RowID like this:
Set Variable [ $RowID; MBS("FM.ExecuteFileSQL"; ""; "SELECT MAX(RowID) FROM \"Contacts\" ")
This queries it for our Contacts table in a test database. Feel free to put your table name there in the quotes. You get back the internal RowID value of the newest record. The RowID increments and is independent of whatever you use a key in the table. This way we can use the same calculation for different tables without knowing what fields are inside.
Now you can use this to query the key field of the last record, e.g. the ContactIdentifier field in our example:
Set Variable [ $ContactIdentifier; MBS("FM.ExecuteFileSQL"; ""; "SELECT \"ContactIdentifier\" FROM \"Contacts\" WHERE RowID = ?"; 9; 13; $RowID)
Now you have the latest ID field value. If you do batch inserts via plugin and you need IDs of all the new records you can do a script like this:
# first make a query to get newest RowID before import
Set Variable [ $RowID; MBS("FM.ExecuteFileSQL"; ""; "SELECT MAX(RowID) FROM \"Contacts\" ") ]
# now create/import new records
Set Variable [ $Status; MBS( "FM.InsertRecordCSV"; ""; "Contacts"; "FirstName¶LastName¶City"; $tsv) ]
# now query IDs of new records
Set Variable [ $NewIDs; MBS("FM.ExecuteFileSQL"; ""; "SELECT \"ContactIdentifier\" FROM \"Contacts\" WHERE RowID > ?"; 9; 13; $RowID)
Finally you have the IDs for your new records. Unless someone else created one in-between with another session on the same server. But that may be another topic.
Let me know what you think about using RowID values!
See also:
ROWID in FileMaker SQL Commands
Sometimes clients ask what has changed for a specific plugin in the last year. Especially if clients think whether they should renew plugins we sell separate like ChartDirector. There is a lot that changes over time as you can read in release notes:
As you see, quite a few changes in each release are related to one of the four plugins listed separately for release notes.
In general you want to stay up to date and not waste your time hunting for a bug we fixed months ago.
Let us know if you have questions.

Nickenich, Germany - (May 18th, 2021) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce
MBS FileMaker Plugin 11.2 for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for Claris FileMaker produce line. As the leading database management solution for Windows, macOS, iOS and the web, the Claris FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application.
MBS FileMaker Plugin 11.2 has been updated and now includes over 6500 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:
Our plugin now ships with Apple Silicon support included. Claris announced they will support Apple M1 chip soon, so we are ready.
JavaScript functions can now
JS.InitModules function to define modules in JavaScript, which can then be referenced later with require.
SQL function we got support in SQLite for ICU libraries and we enabled math and geopoly functions in our internal SQLite library.
Within the Script Workspace (on macOS) you can now press option-key for the gear in Set Variable/Field script lines to jump right into the calculation dialog, thus saving you an extra mouse click.
For our
XL functions to read/write Excel document we added
XL.Book.AddFontFromBook and
XL.Book.AddFormatFromBook functions to copy font/format definition from one document to another one. With
XL.CopyCellValue function you can now copy cell values. With
XL.Sheet.SetRows function you can now define height for a range of rows.
Process.List function can list all applications running on the computer. And for Windows the
RemoteControl.GetWindowsListAsJSON function can list all windows on the computer with details about them.
We added millisecond support to several functions including
SQL functions,
XL functions and
JavaScript functions.
trace functions got upgraded. We can log on server the stderr and stdout messages. Trace can be paused and includes progress messages from
DynaPDF functions and for Audit we log which field is audited.
ListDialog functions we added column width and alignments.
OCR functions are per thread, so they can run in parallel on server side scripts. We added
SystemInfo.LinuxSystemInfo to query information about linux computer. We added
SystemInfo.WindowsSystemInfo and
SystemInfo.WindowsMachineInfo to query information about the environment on Windows like the CPU architecture.
Finally we updated CURL to version 7.76.1, DynaPDF to, SQLAPI to 5.1.4 with new DuckDB support and our Linux build machine to Ubuntu 18.04.
release notes for a complete list of changes.

Nickenich, Germany - (May 18th, 2021) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce
MBS Xojo Plugins 21.2 for macOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin collection currently available for Xojo.
MBS Xojo Plugins have been updated and now includes over 2800 classes and 73,000 documented features, and the versatile plugins have gained more new functions:
ChartDirector 7 arrived. We include 17 new example projects to show new features including Treemap chart, Discrete Heat Map, Circular Bar Meter, Multi-Page PDF Output, Huge Data Set Support and High DPI Support. We added
CDViewPortControlBaseMBS class and the new RealTime ViewPort example.
We have a new plugin for
RabbitMQ. This is an open-source project implementing a message-broker software. It's a server software to do message queues and then there are various clients available to use the services. Our plugin wraps the library for Xojo and includes OpenSSL for encrypted connections.
For our
AVFoundation Plugin we added
AVCaptureMetadataOutputMBS class, which allows you to scan barcodes with the camera on an iOS device. For iOS we got an example on how to use Keychain database to store passwords securely.
JavaScriptEngineMBS class can use InitModules method to define modules in JavaScript, which can then be referenced later with require.
We got a new ContainerControl example showing you how to use
NSScrollViewMBS to smoothly scroll a list of container controls. We include Windows support by using a Xojo scrollbar.
SQL Plugin we got support in SQLite for ICU libraries and we enabled math and geopoly functions in our
internal SQLite library.
We added new properties to
NSSharingServiceMBS class, so you can for example pass styled text via
NSAttributedStringMBS class to Apple Mail and get a formatted text in the email.
For Windows we got classes for spell checking. Use
WinSpellCheckerMBS class to find available languages, pick one and check for spelling errors in a given text.
Our plugins now include universal library for iOS Simulator for Xojo 2021r1.1. We got a CopyCellValue function for
XLSheetMBS class class to copy cell values within a sheet. We upgraded our
ShellMBS and
WindowsProcessMBS classes for Windows to allow PowerShell.exe to run with them.
Finally updated CURL to version 7.76.1, DuckDB to 0.25, DynaPDF to, HIDAPI to 0.10.1, LibJPEG-Turbo to 2.1.0, PortAudio to 19.7.0, SQLAPI to version 5.1.4 with new DuckDB support and our Linux build machine to Ubuntu 18.04.
release notes for a complete list of changes.

18. Mai 2021 - Monkeybread Software veröffentlicht heute das
MBS FileMaker Plugin für FileMaker in Version 11.2, mit inzwischen über 6500 Funktionen eines der größten FileMaker Plugins überhaupt. Hier einige der Neuerungen:
Unser Plugin wird jetzt mit Apple-Silicon-Unterstützung ausgeliefert. Claris hat angekündigt, dass sie bald den Apple M1-Chip unterstützen werden, wir sind also bereit.
JavaScript-Funktionen können nun mit der Funktion
JS.InitModules Module in JavaScript definieren, die dann später mit require referenziert werden können.
SQL-Funktionen haben wir Unterstützung in SQLite für ICU-Bibliotheken bekommen und wir haben Mathe- und Geopoly-Funktionen in unserer internen SQLite-Bibliothek aktiviert.
Innerhalb des Skript-Arbeitsbereichs (unter macOS) können Sie jetzt die Optionstaste für das Zahnrad in Setzte Variable/Feld-Skriptzeilen drücken, um direkt in den Berechnungsdialog zu springen, was Ihnen einen zusätzlichen Mausklick erspart.
Für unsere
XL-Funktionen zum Lesen/Schreiben von Excel-Dokumenten haben wir
XL.Book.AddFontFromBook und
XL.Book.AddFormatFromBook Funktionen hinzugefügt, um Schrift-/Formatdefinitionen von einem Dokument in ein anderes zu kopieren. Mit der Funktion
XL.CopyCellValue können Sie nun Zellwerte kopieren. Mit der Funktion
XL.Sheet.SetRows können Sie nun die Höhe für einen Bereich von Zeilen definieren.
Die Funktion
Process.List kann alle auf dem Computer laufenden Anwendungen auflisten. Und für Windows kann die Funktion
RemoteControl.GetWindowsListAsJSON alle Fenster auf dem Computer mit Details über sie auflisten.
Wir haben Millisekunden-Unterstützung zu mehreren Funktionen hinzugefügt, darunter
XL und
Trace-Funktionen protokollieren jetzt besser. Wir können die stderr- und stdout-Meldungen auf dem Server protokollieren. Trace kann pausiert werden und enthält Fortschrittsmeldungen von
DynaPDF-Funktionen und für Audit protokollieren wir welches Feld protokolliert wird.
ListDialog-Funktionen haben wir Spaltenbreite und Ausrichtungen hinzugefügt.
OCR-Funktionen sind pro Thread, so dass sie parallel auf serverseitigen Skripten laufen können. Wir haben
SystemInfo.LinuxSystemInfo hinzugefügt, um Informationen über Linux-Computer abzufragen. Wir haben
SystemInfo.WindowsSystemInfo und
SystemInfo.WindowsMachineInfo hinzugefügt, um Informationen über die Umgebung unter Windows abzufragen wie die CPU Architektur.
Schließlich haben wir CURL auf Version 7.76.1, DynaPDF auf, SQLAPI auf 5.1.4 mit neuer DuckDB-Unterstützung und unsere Linux-Build-Maschine auf Ubuntu 18.04 aktualisiert.
Alle Änderungen in den
Release Notes.

New in this prerelease of version 11.2 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin:
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.com/filemaker/files/Prerelease/, in
Dropbox folder or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
Recently I implemented
NSCollectionViewControlMBS control for Xojo to have a grid of items based on container controls. But a few days ago we had the need for having just a few containers to scroll on a window in Xojo. You may start to implement this in Xojo with a scrollbar and then move in the ValueChanged the containers up/down as needed. Quickly you may realize you need a wrapping container to clip the scrolling ones properly. But if you loop over containers and change their Top property to move them around, you may quickly see the scrolling not be smooth. We needed something better.

Since macOS comes with a
NSScrollView class, I wanted to use that to push the job of scrolling and redrawing to the OS itself. So we have a Xojo managed inner and outer ContainerControl and slide our
NSScrollViewMBS object between. We put all item containers on the inner ContainerControl, so Xojo may not know about the scrolling and just sees a big container in a smaller one. We configure the scroll view with a vertical scrollbar, some bezel around and a reasonable page scroll value.
When we try this setup, we can scroll smoothly and with mouse wheel support. We get the elastic scrolling with bouncing on the ends (can be disabled). This is fantastic and very smooth.
You may ask about Windows and Linux. Well, this may also be doable, but then with a regular Scrollbar itself. It may be tricky to get the redraw stuff smooth and avoid flicker. But well, I made an example for that, too. Tested on Windows and seems to work mostly with scrollbar controls. Since we only move the inner container up and down and let the container do clipping, it seems to work well with not much flicker.
And once I had that, I merged the two examples into one. Please try it soon as part of the examples coming with
MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.2pr7 or later. If you have feedback and improvements, feel free to send them back to us, so we can merge your changes into our example.

When we made our
OCR functions back in September 2012, we designed them without reference numbers, so you can only have one current OCR job. Since FileMaker Pro always runs one script at a time (others are waiting), this is not a problem. But what happens on a server?
On a FileMaker server scripts may run in parallel. For a lot of customers this is no problem when occasionally a script runs, which may use OCR. But our active power users tend to do more and run scripts in parallel on multiple CPU cores. And there the mess starts with one script clearing the results of the other one since we hold the OCR state in a few global variables. You can mitigate this yourself with our
Mutex functions, which allow you to have a script wait for another script to finish accessing a shared resource. While intended for our
SharedMemory functions to synchronize memory access, it works fine to control access to
OCR functions, too.
To fix the issue, we move to using per thread variables for our version 11.2 of the plugin. That means you can now have independent OCR setups on a FileMaker Server. Since FileMaker Server uses different threads to run scripts in parallel, you may have each script basically do the initialization, use OCR and do cleanup. If one script runs on first thread and initializes and later another script on second thread tries to access it, it may not see the initialization. You may detect this state by
OCR.IsInitialized function.

New in this prerelease of the 21.2 plugins:
- Added ContainerControl List example.
- Updated PortAudio to version 19.7.0
- Fixed problems in WindowsQOSMBS class.
- Updated DNS functions for Windows.
- Updated DLL linking for Windows to direct link functions requiring Windows 7.
- Added newer constructor to NSKeyedArchiverMBS class to allow secure coding.
- Added Archive and Unarchive methods to CKRecordMBS class.
- Fixed issue with CloudKit events for CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperationMBS and other classes.
- Updated LibJPEG-Turbo to version 2.1.0.
- Added explicit destructors for lots of CloudKit classes to explicit cleanup event handlers.
- Added AVCaptureMetadataOutputMBS class for iOS.
- Added constants to AVFoundationMBS class.
monkeybreadsoftware.com/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/ or
from Dropbox.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

New in this prerelease of version 11.2 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin:
- Added SystemInfo.LinuxSystemInfo function.
- Changed OCR functions to separate different threads on server better.
- Updated DNS functions for Windows.
- Updated DLL linking for Windows to direct link functions requiring Windows 7. Plugin works on Windows Server 2008r2 or newer, too.
- Changed trace output for audit to show field name audited.
- Fixed problem on Windows with AVRecorder.AddPreviewWithControl and AVRecorder.AddPreviewToWindow not using the FileMaker window, but a separate one.
- Fixed problem with XML.ExtractText and XML.GetPathValue not seeing all text if there are XML nodes within a text block.
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.com/filemaker/files/Prerelease/, in
Dropbox folder or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
For our
MBS FileMaker Plugin we have the first linux only function:
This function provides some system information for Linux and returns it as a JSON block.
"UpTime": 708,
"Loads": [0.023873, 0.048828, 0.067382],
"TotalRAM": 4112195584,
"FreeRAM": 1589587968,
"SharedRAM": 1622016,
"BufferRAM": 20881408,
"TotalSwap": 4111462400,
"FreeSwap": 4111462400,
"Processes": 1010,
"TotalHigh": 0,
"FreeHigh": 0,
"MemoryUnit": 1,
"ConfiguredProcessors": 4,
"AvailableProcessors": 4,
"TotalPhysicalPages": 1003954,
"AvailablePhysicalPages": 388083
You may query such a block regularly and do your own decisions based on the numbers, e.g. only do something on the server if load counts are small. Or you may check how much memory is available on the computer.

New in this prerelease of the 21.2 plugins:
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Fixed a problem with TrueItem() function in FileListMBS not working right for alias files.
- Fixed ShellMBS and WindowsProcessMBS classes for Windows to allow PowerShell.exe to run.
- Added SkipParagraphs parameter for StyledText.RTFDataMBS to speed up conversion.
monkeybreadsoftware.com/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/ or
from Dropbox.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

New in this prerelease of version 11.2 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin:
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.com/filemaker/files/Prerelease/, in
Dropbox folder or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

A client got a RFID reader, which can send a data packet through the local network, so you can receive them in FileMaker with out
Socket functions.
Ethernet Mifare® RFID Reader (ER750/ER755) has been tried by us and works.
You use the little configuration app on Windows to tell it which IP and port to connect to. Our normal
TCP Socket example coming with our
MBS FileMaker Plugin can do the receiving and show you the data. As text encoding use Hex since you get binary data. The first 4 characters are timestamp, package type and data length followed with up to 16 bytes of card UID. And since we need only that UID, we cut it from the data block with Middle($text, 13, 32). In hex all bytes take two characters. We get the UID as hex string and can store it in a database field for later comparison.
If you have trouble getting a connection, please make sure the Firewall lets the connection coming in. Beside a FileMaker Pro waiting for connection, you could of course use a little app or script on a computer to accept it and trigger whatever connection. For example a
Xojo app using our
MBS Xojo FMAPI Plugin could listen with a
ServerSocket in Xojo, take the request and then use data API to create a record in FileMaker or perform a query to find the record for the UID. This may even run on a little Raspberry Pi computer and if the card is accepted put power on a PIN to trigger a door opener.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with your questions.
Did you sign up for
FileMaker Conference dotfmp.berlin 2021?
This conference is organized by
Egbert Friedrich and takes place from 3rd to 5th June 2021 in Berlin, Germany.
Since this year the meeting will be virtual again and in English, FileMaker developers from all over the world can join live from home.
dotfmp is an effort of various leading European FileMaker Developers. It is meant to bring all kinds of higher level developers together to share knowledge, educate and challenge each other.
dotfmp starts at the 2nd June 2021 in the later afternoon with a relaxed "Beer and Sausages" in the virtual beer garden. The session days itself last from 3rd until 5th June with various socializing events in the evenings.
dotfmp is a 3 Day-Unconference, Meetup, Hangout or Barcamp. It is an informal and self-organized effort to meet on a personal base.
This year it is virtual, so you can join from your home.
We feel there are far too few possibilities to talk to, learn from, and hangout with fellow developers in a relaxed and informal environment. And we'd like to share work and get feedback from people chewing on similar challenges.
If you like to join the conference and present something, please
register soon. A donation to help on the equipment cost is also welcome.
See you there!

The May/June (19.3) issue of
xDev Magazine is now available. Here's a quick preview of what's inside:
More ARM by Marc Zeedar
Xojo's last update in 2020 was impressive, but its ARM support was missing a few elements. Thankfully, 2021R1 has fixed those flaws. Marc updates his benchmarks.
A Programming Black Hole by Markus Winter
Did you know that Xojo has a problem with basic math? Neither did Markus, until he fell down a programming black hole that led him to obscure 32-bit/64-bit oddities.
FileMaker-Like Checkboxes by Vince Du Beau
Vince wanted checkboxes in Xojo like he was used to having in Filemaker—so he wrote his own class to add them.
Holy Cryptography, Batman! by Eugene Dakin
If you're curious about cryptography, here's low-key introduction as Eugene starts a new series of articles beginning with the ancient Caesar Cipher.
Lost in the Woods by Markus Winter
Markus takes a break from his MapKit series to explore... mapping using Xojo's new MapLocation feature. How does it work?
Plus: Xojo 2021R1 new features, App Wrapper review, new PDF drawing, and much more!
Xojo Inc. just announced a sale for their web shop:
Get 20% off all Xojo licenses Today through Friday!
Plus take 20% everything in the Addons Store!
This sale includes a few MBS Plugin licenses in the add-on section of the Xojo store. If you like to order directly from us, we may offer the same discount for those new licenses.

New in this prerelease of version 11.2 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin:
- Added SQL.ConvertDateTimeFromSQL and SQL.ConvertDateTimeToSQL functions.
- Added Process.List function for macOS and Windows.
- Changed search box for Script Workspace to consume double clicks to avoid resizing window.
- Fixed Archive functions to do AES256 encryption on Windows.
- Updated Linux 64-bit build machine to Ubuntu 18.04. Plugin still compatible to Ubuntu 16 and CentOS 7.7.
- Changed Trace function to create log file, which is readable by other applications like a good text editor.
- Fixed problem of Window functions on Windows not finding them.
- Fixed WebView.SetFocus for iOS.
- Changed FM.InsertRecordCSV and FM.InsertRecordTSV to recognize backslash escapes to have returns and tabs escaped in text.
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.com/filemaker/files/Prerelease/, in
Dropbox folder or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

New in this prerelease of the 21.2 plugins:
monkeybreadsoftware.com/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/ or
from Dropbox.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.