New in this prerelease of the 11.3 plugins:
- Added LCMS2 plugin classes.
- Added CustomNSToolbarItemMBS.validate event.
- Fixed bug in KeyCodesMBS class with KeyCodeToAsciiWithSecondKeyCode and KeyCodeToAscii functions.
- Added WindowsJunctionMBS module for functions for hard links, symbol links and junctions on Windows.
- Added more methods to NSFontManagerMBS class.
- Added new methods to NSSpellCheckerMBS and NSTextViewMBS class for more spell checking.
- Added new parameter to FileMappingMBS.MapView for passing own memory.
- Changed SystemInformationMBS.MacVRAMSize to Int64.
- Added CustomNSViewMBS.canBecomeKeyView.
- Changed Color2IntegerMBS and Integer2ColorMBS to use UInt32 for the color value.
- Added WinProductKey function to SystemInformationMBS plugin. This may be a good unique identifier for Windows PCs!
- Improved Registry plugin so you can now read Registry Keys where you don't have full permissions. (instead of just getting an error)
- Added Use64bitRegistry to windows registry functions, so we now can query the 64-bit registry from 32-bit applications.
- Changed PictureMBS.Scale to use less memory.
- Changed Picture.ScalingMBS to use less memory.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated plugins to work better with Real Studio 2011r4.
- We support GDI Plus for pictures on Windows.
- We support cairo library for pictures on Linux.
- Updated several Color related functions for Real Studio 2011r4. Please report issues you see there.

Do you go to
Real World? If you think that you'll go there, why not safe $200 and register today?
Currently they have registrations from more than 9 countries and I expect more than 100 people come to the conference.
Even if you talk 10 minutes to each one, you won't be able to talk to everyone
See also
Sightseeing Tips

If you use our plugins for running SQL commands (or some other plugin), this may be interesting for you:
Filemaker 11 changes a couple of things in the SQL engine.
Read about those changes on
Part 1 or
Part 2
If you show a website in a webviewer (Filemaker) or a htmlviewer (Real Studio), you can have a little problem. Some links in the web viewer may have target = _blank. This links now open in Safari (Mac) or Internet Explorer (Win) if the user clicks on a link. But you may not want that and prefer to keep the user inside your web viewer.
A solution is to change the target of the links by using our plugin and a little bit of javascript.
Filemaker you can do this:
MBS("WebView.RunJavaScript"; "browser"; "for (i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++)
{ if (document.links[i].target == '_blank') document.links[i].target = ''; }")
"browser" is the name of the web viewer control on your layout. Simply run it in a calculation like a script step for setting a variable.
Real Studio you go like this:
dim javascript as string = "for (i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++)
{ if (document.links[i].target == '_blank') document.links[i].target = ''; }"
if TargetWin32 then
call HTMLViewer1.IERunJavaScriptMBS javascript
elseif TargetMachO then
call HTMLViewer1.EvaluateJavaScriptMBS javascript
break // platform not supported
end if
As you see we call IERunJavaScriptMBS on Windows and EvaluateJavaScriptMBS on Mac.
We wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all our clients, partners and friends all over the world.
At least to the US Americans who celebrate it today.
In Canada it is mid in October and here in Germany on first Sunday in October.
- Real Software is looking for a product educator. See forum post
- VMWare 4.1 allows you to install Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6 in a virtual machine. Do it now, because next version may remove that possibility. With 4.1.1 you now need again a server version of Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6.
Just a few days left for the $200 discount on
Real World registration. I hope you signed up already.
I have some sight seeing tips for you:
Of course, you could also go to one of the entertainment parks in Orlando, but that's an extra blog entry.
See also:
American Food
- Make extra campaigns per language.
- Use extra setting for only 1 cent per click for display networks.
- You sell a desktop app? Limit ad display to desktop computers.
People on a mobile phone are certainly not interested in your app.
- Don't send everyone to your start page. Point them right to the page they want to go. e.g. tutorial page for people looking on tutorial ad.
- Have lots of ad texts which contain keywords. Google prefers showing ads which match search criteria.
- Create several google accounts. This makes it easier for accounting the different ad campaign costs for different products or services.

New in this prerelease of the 2.5 plugins:
- Fixed a memory leak with GMImage.NewFromContainer.
- Fixed a memory leak with container JPEG functions.
- Fixed a few small memory leaks.
- Fixed a bug where GMImage.NewFromContainer did not read a container value, because there were two JPEG streams and the first one was empty.
- Fixed the error above for JPEG functions, too.
- Updated Screenshot functions for Mac OS X 10.7.
Download at

- 2 weeks left for the $200 discount for Real World. See the new session list!
- New Chicago area Real Studio User group
- New Phoenix area Real Studio User Group
- Real Studio will be on sale for "Black Friday", November 25, 2011, the biggest shopping day of the year, from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM CST. All new licenses will be discounted to 30% off of their original price.
- Xcode installation wants to quit iTunes. But what if iTunes is already quit? You may need to quit the invisible iTunes Helper with activity monitor.
We improved the
documentation. In the future the list of functions also show the first sentence of documentation so you can get an idea on what the function is about. Also we show whether it works on Mac and Windows.
Function selectors are now ignoring case
Not sure why we didn't do that before, but now all the function names are accepted in any case. So SystemInfo.ComputerName and Systeminfo.ComputerName are both valid. You'll see that change soon in 2.5 prerelease versions.
GMImage.Scale options
GMImage.Scale can do much more than you may think. You can use % for the geometry. If you don't specify height or width, the other value is calculated. With < or > you can specify that pictures should only be resized if they are smaller or bigger than the target size. We update documentation for this.
Filemaker Conference 2012
We plan to attend the 2012 Filemaker conference in Salzburg. Mainly for the German speaking Filemaker users and this time in Austria. Hope to see you there! see
It may sound strange to americans or health-conscious blog readers, but one reason I love to visit the USA, is the fast food. We have a few fast food chains here in Europe like McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, Pizza Hut, KFC and others. But we don't have Taco Bell, Charley's Grilled Subs, Wendy's, IHOP and The Waffle House here.
So on each trip to the states, I try to visit a few of them. Getting a few tacos or burritos from real mexican restaurants. Or getting a stack of fresh made pan cakes for breakfast. While you find quite a few slow food restaurants, like a good steak house, sometimes we prefer to stop at a fast food chain, especially late at night.
From the
Royal Plaza Hotel, you can find most of the chains a little bit north of the hotel. Within a walk or drive of less than 1 km, you can find The Waffle House, Taco Bell, McDonalds, Uno Chicago Grill, Red Lobster, Chevys Frech Mex, Quizons, Subway, IHOP and Domino's Pizza.

Hello Real Studio enthusiasts!
We'll be holding our
monthly meeting on Monday, November 14th, 2011 from 6pm to 9pm!
--Who: Everyone interested in developing in Real Studio
--What: Monthly Meeting
Aldo's Italian Restaurant
--When: November 14th, 2011 – 6pm to 9pm
--Why: We'll review the latest announcements: software written in RealBasic. We'll also have a 'Getting Started In RealBasic' session. And finally, a look forward to the return of
Real World!
I hope to see you there!

New in this prerelease of the 11.3 plugins:
- Added Error and Warning events to PNGReaderMBS and PNGWriterMBS.
- Fixed bugs with PNG error handling.
- Added AllowDamaged parameter to PNG reader functions to get picture from half downloaded PNG files.
- Updated OptiPNG to version 0.6.5.
- Updated libpng to version 1.5.6.
- Rewrote DynapdfPDFAnnotationMBS and DynaPDFAnnotationExMBS classes.
- Updated to SQLAPI++ 3.8.3.
- Conversion from Dictionary to NSDictionary can now handle arrays of string, integer, int64, boolean and date and folderitems as NSURL objects.
- Fixed bugs with DynaPDFBookmarkMBS class.
Our conference is done. The last people returned home on tuesday and we paid the hotel invoice yesterday. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. We got 39 people to Frankfurt in the nice Amadeus Hotel. Actually a few more have registered, but we had a few cancellation, some last minute registrations and one guy didn't show up.
We had some nice get together on Wednesday evening. When I arrived in the hotel, Bob Keeney was already there in the winter garden. So we checked in and started gathering with people in the hotel bar. Nice chatting. Especially seeing back people you didn't meet for a year or more. Later we had dinner in the hotel which was an excellent idea as two more people showed up later that evening.
On Thursday we had the training. We started with a little overview. Than we wrote a little utility to connect to several database servers/engines and run queries. After lunch, we wrote a picture database with Real SQL Database. Later we ported this application to postgre SQL. A real challenge as a few commands are really different there, especially the blob handling. We finished the training with a few tips, tricks and Q&A.
Thursday night was very cool. First in the hotel we met at the bar and more and more people dropped in. Stéphanes arrived at the afternoon and I met Reinhard in the bar after the training. We chatted and later we took the subway to the city center with 16 people. In the
Standesämtchen, we had dinner. Good food and very nice half-timber house environment. We finished at the hotel bar where we met more people.
Friday started with Stéphane's keynote. We got updated on Cocoa, 64bit, LLVM and other topics. Thomas Tempelmann showed his Arbed tool. After the coffee break we continued with my plugin session, before Simon Larkin talked about some database tricks. In our spotlight sessions we had DynaPDF viewer showed by Jens Boschulte, ActiveRecord by Bob Keeney and the AWARD+ Software showed by Carsten Kobusch.
After a break I showed a few security and tips. For our Q&A session, we had a couple of presents to raffle off. I think everyone got at least one souvenir. Next was Geoff, but we had a few problems like a crashing Mac with Skype and a slow network. But we got Geoff on the screen finally and he showed us the new Real Studio IDE and answered a few questions for the future strategy.
On the financial side it looks like we have a little profit with both days. Maybe enough for going out to a restaurant for dinner with Monika, Michael and Stefanie as a thank you. That also means for me, that we can't really host a conference day without a training day.
Thank you for supporting our events and plugins. And see you again!
The next event in
Real World 2012 in Orlando, Florida.

New in this prerelease of the 11.3 plugins:
- Fixed DynaPDFMBS.EnumHostFontsEx event to return correct file path.
- Fixed CFBookmarkMBS plugin to load on Mac OS X 10.4 even if it doesn't work there.
- CURLS plugin now links again to ssl/crypto libraries in version 0.9.7 so it works on 10.4 or newer.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Removed need for ColorSyncCMMGetTypeID, so plugins load on Mac OS X 10.4/10.5 again.
- Added new constants to FSEventsMBS class.
- Rewrote Growl plugin for version 1.3. Please change your code to use new GrowlApplicationBridgeMBS class.
We have 39 Real Studio users here, isn't that great?
It feels like a big family meeting with Terry, Bob, Stephane, Simon, Reinhard, Jens, Marc, Roland, Marion, Peter, Christoph, Tobias, Walter, Heinz-Jürgen and many more. Including 3x Thomas and 4x Christian

And 14 people from our realcon2011 event in May came to Frankfurt.
The room is wide, so here two shots from the middle part:

Thanks everyone for joining us and see you soon in
- Win a ticket to Real World 2012! Join the Speaker contest.
- Terry and Heidi arrived in Frankfurt and Bob will arrive tomorrow. Good to see the first guest arriving for your Real Studio Database Days
- FSEventsMBS on Mac OS X 10.7 can inform you about file changes, not just folder changes. We'll add new flags for this in next plugins.
- For iOS Apple forces you to write your app asynchronously, threaded or at least with timers.