New in this prerelease of the 11.3 plugins:
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added more methods for NSURLRequestMBS, NSMutableURLRequestMBS and NSURLDownloadMBS.
- Changed WebUIDelegateMBS.CreateWithRequest to pass a NSURLRequestMBS object as parameter.
- Updated LibXL to version 3.2.2.
- Changed CGImage to Picture conversion to now use the picture's colorspace if it is RGB for better color accuracy.

- Real Studio 2011r4 will be the last release that supports Mac OS X 10.4, see blog.
- Real World 2012 Registration Now Open! Register Early & Save $200 + 30% off your next order at our store! see Real Software Store
- You have problems with PDF rastering in DynaPDF? Please check our latest plugins (11.3pr) with newer versions of DynaPDF. A lot of features have been added and a lot of bugs are fixed now.
- We completed NSURLDownloadMBS class, so you can now do downloads with this. It's the same engine used in Safari. Also we extended NSURLRequestMBS and NSMutableURLRequestMBS.
- Updated our VLC plugin for 1.1.11 for a client.
- Got an Canon EOS 1100D. Nice camera. And Canon has an SDK, so there may be a new plugin for those cameras later this year!
- Norman has a tip for including fonts into your app in Mac OS X. see blog
- Please don't call Constructors outside a new call. They often don't handle the case where they need to cleanup before they create new objects, so you have a leak. We fix it of course, when we know about some special needs to do this.
Nice to see that some websites pick my application. It's a short video in German:
watch here.

New in this prerelease of the 2.4 plugins:
- Updated Form Utility.
- Fixed bug with Progress Dialog on Windows (progressbar jumped).
- Our Drag and Drop functions can't work on Windows as Filemaker overwrites plugin there.
- WebView.RenderImage now really has image type optional.

New in this prerelease of the 11.3 plugins:
- Added WebDownloadDelegateMBS class.
- Added NSURLDownloadMBS class.
- Added IsValidCreditCardNumberMBS function.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Changed MemoryBlock AddressMBS to return UInt64.
- Added MemoryBlock AddressPtrMBS to return Ptr.
- Added Mac only classes for CommonCrypto to have Mac App Store compatible encryption and also compatibility to apps for iOS: CCCryptorMBS, CCHMacMBS, CCMD2MBS, CCMD4MBS, CCMD5MBS, CCSHA1MBS, CCSHA224MBS, CCSHA256MBS, CCSHA384MBS and CCSHA512MBS.
- Added more methods to CGColorSpaceMBS class.
- Added Colorspace parameter to CGImageMBS.Picture() function.
- The addCustomAggregateLabel, addCustomDataLabel, addCustomGroupLabel methods of the CDLayerMBS class now return the textbox they create.
- Fixed a memory leak in CFDictionary conversion and optimized speed.
- Optimized CFString vs. String conversion.
- Fixed a bug in ReadString method of XLSheetMBS class.
- Fixed XLSheetMBS ReadError.
- Added SHA256MBS class.
- Removed WindowsTimerMBS class. Our class is not better than Real Studio Timer class.
- Fixed crash with calling CopyPicture, CopyMask and CopyPictureWithMask on PictureMBS class without parameters.
maybe a good idea to spend a few dollars?
I once met Christian Miller at Real World and I think it's great idea to help Joanne with a few dollars so she gets a special van. See details on
- Calling quit in app.open after using some Cocoa classes gives Cocoa exception message "NSApp with wrong _running count".
- QuickTime video playback with QTKitMovieViewMBS seems to use same Color Matching as QuickTime player, so if your videos play too dark in MoviePlayer, you may want to switch.
- Please order plugin licenses a few days before you plan to ship and not at the day of shipment. If the order gets delayed, this may be a problem.
- We'll add a CGColorSpaceMBS parameter to CGImageMBS.Picture method. For getting a picture from a CGImageMBS, we need to specify a color space and different color spaces give different pixel values in the returned picture. Default is still generic RGB color space.
Real Software is running a sale action today:
In honor of Programmer's Day, the 256th day of the year, Real Software is offering a 30% discount off any new Real Studio license keys.
With coupon code DAY256 and order being placed today (13th September), you get 30% for new licenses.
Some people come from far away to our
Real Studio Database Days, so we thought about doing some sight seeing with them. If you like, you can join. Exact details will be arranged a few days before the event starts. If you come earlier or leave later, please inform us so we know you are there.
What can we visit?
Just 50 miles outside Frankfurt, you can drive to
Limburg at the river Lahn. The historic city center is just beautiful with the old half-timber houses, the cathedral and the castle. It's a small city with only 33000 people and that may be the reason it was not destroyed in the wars. Drive there by taking A3 to north from Frankfurt or the ICE train from the airport.
The city of Koblenz is also a good stop for sight seeing.
Castle Ehrenbreitstein is certainly worth a visit. From the castle you have a nice view over Koblenz. The city center has also a few nice places to visit like the castle or the Deutsches Eck place where the rivers Rhine and Moselle flow together.
Another stop could be the
Marksburg, one of the famous castles along the river Rhine. Built in the 12th century it's an impressive midage castle and you have a nice view from top over the Rhine valley.
If you have more time, drive to cologne and see one of the biggest
gothic cathedrals and the longest church in Germany.
Also worth a visit is Trier, Germany's oldest city with several roman buildings. See the old cathedral, city
see also
hotel pictures and the

SQLite can do a few more things than REALSQLDatabase implements, so we have a few wishes there in Feedback:
While I can do a lot with plugins, hacking in a function like the timeout one is not easy and breaks once Real Software changes the plugin. Please sign on or comment if you are also interested in getting this cases done.
Real Software just started their registration for Real World 2012.
Not sure if I'm the first, but I signed up a minute ago.
"Register early and save $200 + 30% off your next order at our store!"
Register here.
PS: We also have still space available for our
Real Studio Database Days in November 2011 in Frankfurt, Germany.
Update: I'am the first who signed up

New in this prerelease of the 11.3 plugins:
- Changed DirectorySizeMBS class to now use UInt64 instead of double for the size properties.
- Added CompressedSize, HiddenCompressedSize, QueryCompressedSizes and VisibleCompressedSize properties to DirectorySizeMBS class.
- Changed OverlayMBS to no longer automatically call Update after a bounds change. This improves performance a lot on moving the window.
- Added MAAttachedWindowMBS side method.
- Added OverlayMBS InvalidateShadow.
- NSImageMBS to Picture and back now supports console graphics.
- Added properties, setValueDescriptorForProperty, valueDescriptorForProperty methods to NSAppleScriptMBS class.
- Added WebViewMBS PrintToPDFFile function.
- Added CustomNSToolbarItemMBS and CustomNSToolbarMBS.
- Added NSToolbarMBS and NSToolbarItemMBS classes.
- Changed SplitCommaSeparatedValuesMBS to handle double quotes correctly.
- Added MAAttachedWindowMBS Constructor.

- CGCreateImageMBS: In older code we often used CGCreateImageMBS(p, p.mask), but with current plugins, it's better to simply
- Problem: Safari reloads tabs when you click on it due Webkit2 Webprocess crashing. Solution: Turn of Java (not javascript) in security panel of preferences.
- Added code to the FAQ for walking folder and proportional picture scaling. Will go online with next update tomorrow.
- SOAP Kit works with Cumulus Webservice even with their strange namespace rules which made me a lot of work.
- The application DLLs for plugins can be in different locations: "MyApp Libs\some.dll", "Libs\some.dll", "some.dll". Using app folder or Libs folder can be useful to have several apps share the DLLs.
First registrations are coming in. We already have people from Germany, Belgium, France, United Kingdom and USA signed up for the
conference day. We also have registrations for the
training day. Please sign up soon to reserve your seat for one or both days.
For our spotlight sessions we have still a session available, so if you like to come and present something, please contact us.
And for the pricing, the conference day is 99 Euro including value added tax. So if you have a company registered for VAT outside Germany in the European union, USA or Swiss, we can write you the invoice VAT free, which lowers price to 83.19 Euro. For other countries, I have to check the VAT rules.
see also
hotel pictures and the

The September/October 2011 (9.6) issue of Real Studio Developer is now available!
- Using JSON * by Mattias Sandstrom
Real Studio now has built-in JSON support. Hooray! But wait a second -- what the heck is it and what can you do with it? - Using Simple to Make the Complex * by Johnathan Mercer
Cellular Automata is an example of how simple rules can produce complex results. Johnathan demonstrates this so you can explore the world of CA in Real Studio. - Tracer Bullet Development * by Tam Hanna
There are lots of buzzword-filled development strategies, but Tracer Bullet is not only one of the most colorfully named, it's also one of the most effective. Learn how you can adopt this method of development to create
better software. - From Real Studio to iOS * by JC Cruz
Have you been curious about iOS development but were afraid to take the leap? Perhaps you'd simply like to know a little more to overcome your fear? In this in-depth article, Jose explains iOS development from the RS developer's perspective.
In our regular columns we've got articles on printing address labels, what's new in RS2011r3, the Storm database-development aid, and help figuring out what's holding you back development-wise, and much more. Enjoy!