MBS Plugin Presentation for FileMaker DevCon 2018

We got a new presentation for the FileMaker Developer Conference 2018 in Dallas:

Enjoy the video and please visit our booth for your questions, or send an email.

Omegabundle 2018 for Xojo ends 30th July

Omegabundle for Xojo 2018 Developer Tools Bundle Announced; Save 89% on Top Tools
The offer ends on Monday, 30th July 2018.

You can buy it several times, e.g. one for each of your developers. Or buy multiple copies to get more than one OS for Valentina Server.

Read More

Adding Bonjour functions for MBS FileMaker Plugin

For the upcoming 8.4 release of our MBS FileMaker Plugin, we include some Bonjour functions, so you can browse for services and query the result as JSON:

The Bonjour.Browse function starts browsing for a service and later you can use Bonjour.JSON to get results. The plugin will keep updating it's data, so a later query may show more recent results. This can be used to find FileMaker servers on the local network as well as AFP/SMB shares.

The function returns all matching services, their hosts and all available IP addresses, so you can easily connect to them via CURL, SQL functions or Files.Mount function for network shares.

If you have more ideas on what you may want or you like to try it out, please contact us by email.

Xojo Developer Meeting for Dallas

Due to the FileMaker DevCon, we will come to Grapevine, Texas in August.
So let's organize a Xojo developer meeting! Anyone interested?

We got 10 people on the list already for this meeting.

Meeting is 2nd August 2018 in Irving, Texas,
somewhere between Dallas and Fort Worth.

I'll try to be at 18 o'clock at the bar and later we move to table.

If you are interested in some private consulting or training, let me know and we can arrange an appointment.

Drei Monate bis zur FileMaker Konferenz 2018 in Malbun

Nur noch drei Monate bis zur FileMaker Konferenz 2018 in Malbun (Liechtenstein): Anmeldung.

Vom 17. bis 20. Oktober diesen Jahres findet die neunte deutschsprachige FileMaker Konferenz in Malbun, Liechtenstein statt. FileMaker Anwender und Entwickler können ihre Teilnahme ab sofort buchen.

Die Veranstalter vom Verein FM Konferenz erwarten auch 2018 rund 180 Entwickler, Anwender, IT-Fachleute und Entscheidungsträger aus Wirtschaft, Bildung und Verwaltung. Rund um über 25 Fachvorträge und Workshops wird es viel Zeit zum Vernetzen in den gemeinsamen Pausen und beim Abendprogramm geben.

Für den Deutschsprachigen Raum ist diese Konferenz das Treffen des Jahres. Hier finden Sie vom Anfänger bis zum Profi Kontakte zu anderen Entwicklern und vor allem den Kontakt zu den FileMaker Mitarbeitern. Lernen Sie was es neues gibt, lernen Sie wie man Probleme löst und erzählen Sie den FileMaker Mitarbeitern was Sie sich für die Zukunft bei FileMaker wünschen!

Die MBS Plugin Schulung findet am 17. Oktober 2018 statt.

MBS FileMaker Plugin 8.3 released

Nickenich, Germany - (July 17th, 2018) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 8.3 for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for FileMaker Pro. As the leading database management solution for Windows, macOS, iOS and the web, the FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 8.3 has been updated and now includes over 5300 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:

If you need to pick a color, we got new ColorPanel functions. On MacOS they show the floating palette from Apple to pick a color and you get a script triggered when a new color is chosen. For Windows, it shows the standard color picker dialog and you get back the color chosen right away.

For CURL, we got a new CURL.SetupOAuth function for oAuth to use web services with Open Authentication easier. The function handles the signatures required for a query with oAuth and signs request with your given keys. We added a few new options to CURL functions and disallow username and passwords in URLs by default.

If you have a digital camera connected to your Mac, you can use our improved ImageCapture functions to query images on the camera, download them and even take new images with your tethered camera. You can get back JSON for devices, parameters and features.

As FileMaker 15 and newer are 64-bit only on Mac, we include only 64-bit for our Mac plugin. The 32-bit plugin is still available for older versions of FileMaker, but renamed to "MBS 32-bit.fmplugin". If you are not sure which one to install, you can simply install both and FileMaker ignores the other one.

GraphicsMagick functions got an upgrade to use 16-bit colors on MacOS. This allows you to edit 16-bit images better. We also got new functions to detect gray images, query quantum depth and read gradients.

For iOS you can use BlueThermProbe functions for using a BlueTherm™ Probe device from ThermoWorks with iOS. You can connect to device, query information and the temperatures.

For your FileMaker windows on MacOS, you can change the toolbar menus to remove entries using Window.ConfigureToolbarMenu function. You can query the height of the toolbar in FileMaker using Window.TopHeight function.

Our new Text.AddLineNumbers function allows you to add line numbers to existing text and preserve the formatting. This allows you to use functions like JSON.Format and XML.Format to format JSON or XML text. Than with JSON.Colorize or XML.Colorize, you add colors and than add line numbers with the function above.

On Windows you may have seen the COM dialog for message timeouts or delays: "Error: Server Busy. This action cannot be completed because the other program is busy". By calling FM.InitMessageFilter once on start, you can disable this dialog. The plugin will tell COM modules to wait and not show a dialog, so your users won't see the dialog any more.

The shell functions can close the streams, you can query mount path for network volume, you can add value to plugin variables thread safe, sockets got a new tag property and better handle IPv6, FileDialog functions got upgraded on Windows for newer APIs, we got a CRC32 function, Speech functions include pause and resume, audit can lookup fields by ID and ignores table prefixes in field names, we got new modes for showing popup menus, new dock width/height functions, ImagePicker overlays for iOS and you can jump to next search result with Command-G in search bars.

Finally we updated CURL to version 7.61.0, DynaPDF to version, OpenSSL to 1.1.0h and 1.0.2o, SQLite to 3.24.0 and SQLAPI to version 4.3.3.

See release notes for a complete list of changes.

MBS Xojo Plugins 18.3

Nickenich, Germany - (July 17th, 2018) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS Xojo Plugins 18.3 for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin collection currently available for Xojo. MBS Xojo Plugins 18.3 have been updated and now includes over 2400 classes and 62000 documented features, and the versatile plugins have gained more new functions:

Our Bluetooth plugin got more features: We added Bluetooth classes for Mac and Windows to list and communicate with bluetooth devices. For Windows we have a WindowsBlueToothSocketMBS class to communicate with devices like the socket classes. We added Bluetooth LE functions for Windows in addition to existing CoreBluetooth functions for Bluetooth LE for MacOS.

For all fans of SSH, we got a new tunnel feature. You can use SSH2TunnelMBS class to start a SSH tunnel which forwards one TCP/IP connection on a background thread to another computer. This can even be used to forward for example MySQL or Postgres database connection over SSH and use the database classes to connect though the tunnel to the server. With SSH2SessionMBS.OpenDirectTCPIPChannel you can open a tunnel and feed it yourself with the class methods.

For SQL Plugin, we got a built-in CubeSQL library, so you can enable this library and you don't need to include CubeSQL DLL yourself. Our new InsertRecord and UpdateRecord functions for SQLDatabaseMBS and SQLConnectionMBS allow you to easier provide data with dictionary and have the plugin build the SQL command for you. For SQLite you can easier query used memory.

For CURL, we got a new CURLSMBS.SetupOAuth function for oAuth to use web services with Open Authentication easier. The function handles the signatures required for a query with oAuth and signs request with your given keys. We added a few new options to CURL functions and disallow username and passwords in URLs by default.

If you need to mount a network disk, please try the new MountMBS functions. If needed you can use MountPathMBS function to query path of a network disk. The UnmountMBS function can unmount the disk later. For MacOS you can use NetFSMountMBS function to mount disks asynchronously with events to not block user interface and allow the user to cancel.

On Windows you may have seen the COM dialog for message timeouts or delays: "Error: Server Busy. This action cannot be completed because the other program is busy". By calling InitMessageFilterMBS once on startup, you can disable this dialog. The plugin will tell COM modules to wait and not show a dialog, so your users won't see the dialog any more.

For 64-bit applications, you can use new AVCaptureViewControlMBS and AVPlayerViewControlMBS controls with AVFoundation to get Apple's standard playback and recording controls. We also improved AVAudioPlayerMBS class.

We got WindowsGraphicsInfoMBS constructors, improved NSMenuItemMBS class with debugger visible properties, new shared methods for GMColorMBS class, more methods for GZipFileMBS and improved error handling and more properties for TiffPictureMBS class.

Finally we updated CURL to version 7.61.0, DynaPDF to version, Rockey4NDMBS to use newer libraries, optipng to version 0.77, OpenSSL to version 1.1.0h and 1.0.2o, SQLite to version 3.24.0, SQLAPI to 4.3.3 and use the Xojo 2018r2 plugin SDK.

See release notes for a complete list of changes.

Neues MBS FileMaker Plugin 8.3

17. Juli 2018 - Monkeybread Software veröffentlicht heute das MBS Plugin für FileMaker in Version 8.3, mit inzwischen über 5300 Funktionen eines der größten FileMaker Plugins überhaupt. Hier einige der Neuerungen:

Wenn Sie eine Farbe auswählen möchten, können Sie die neuen ColorPanel Funktionen verwenden. Bei MacOS zeigen wir die Palette an von Apple und wenn der Benutzer eine Farbe auswählt, bekommen Sie ein Skript aufgerufen mit der neuen Farbe. Für Windows zeigen wir den Standarddialog für Farben und Sie bekommen dann die gewählte Farbe zurück.

Für CURL haben wir eine neue CURL.SetupOAuth Funktion für oAuth, mit der Sie Anfragen an einen WebService unter Verwendung von Open Authentication signieren können. Bei CURL haben wir neue Optionen und verbieten standardmäßig das Passwort mit in der URL zu übergeben.

Wenn Sie eine digitale Kamera mit ihrem Mac verbinden, dann können Sie über die ImageCapture Funktionen auf die Kamera zugreifen. Sie fragen Bilder ab, laden ausgewählte Bilder zum Mac oder schießen neue Fotos per Pluginfunktion. Mit neuen Funktionen können Sie die Geräte, Parameter und Features als JSON Text abfragen.

Da FileMaker 15 und neuer nur als 64-bit Anwendung für Mac daher kommen, liefern wir das MBS Plugin für macOS nur als 64-bit Plugin aus. Das 32-bit Plugin bleibt weiterhin verfügbar und liegt mit dem Dateinamen "MBS 32-bit.fmplugin" bei. Wenn Sie nicht wissen, welches Plugin Sie benötigen, können Sie einfach beide installieren und dann lädt FileMaker schon das richtige.

Unsere GraphicsMagick Funktionen verwenden 16-bit Farben bei MacOS. Dies erlaubt ihnen die Verarbeitung von Bildern mit 16-bit Farbtiefe. Wir haben neue Funktionen im Graustufenbilder zu erkennen, die Quantum Tiefe abzufragen und Gradienten zu lesen.

Für iOS können Sie mit den BlueThermProbe Funktionen die BlueTherm™ Probe Geräte von ThermoWorks unter iOS verwenden. Verbinden Sie das iOS Gerät per Bluetooth zum Messgerät, fragen Sie Informationen ab und lesen Sie die Temperatur aus.

Für die Fenster bei FileMaker unter MacOS, können Sie mit der Window.ConfigureToolbarMenu Funktion das Toolbar Menü konfigurieren und Einträge entfernen. Mit der Funktion Window.TopHeight können Sie die Höhe der Toolbar im Fenster abfragen.

Die neue Text.AddLineNumbers Funktion erlaubt es Ihnen Text mit Zeilennummern zu versehen. Dabei bleibt die Formatierung im Text erhalten. Zusammen mit den Funktionen JSON.Format und XML.Format zum Formatieren von JSON bzw. XML und den Funktionen JSON.Colorize und XML.Colorize zum einfärben, können Sie entsprechenden Text für den Benutzer schön aufbereiten.

Für Windows haben Sie vermutlich schon mal den COM Standarddialog gesehen für Timeouts: "Server ist ausgelastet" "Dieser Vorgang konnte nicht ausgeführt werden, da die andere Anwendung aktiv ist....". Durch den Aufruf unserer neuen Funktion FM.InitMessageFilter passiert das nicht mehr, weil am MBS Plugin die COM Aufrufe warten lässt bis zur Antwort und eben nicht diesen Dialog anzeigt.

Die Shell Funktionen können auch die Standard-Datenströme schließen, Sie können für Netzwerklaufwerke die URL abfragen, bei Plugin Variablen Thread-sicher den Wert erhöhen, Sockets haben eine Tag Eigenschaft und verwenden IPv6 besser, die FileDialog Funktionen nutzen bei Windows neuere Dialog APIs, wir haben eine neue CRC32 Funktion, die Speech Funktionen können auch pausieren, Audit kann Felder per ID finden und ignoriert Tabellen Prefixe in Feldnamen, wir haben neue Modi für Popup Menüs, neue Funktionen für die Dock Größe, ImagePicker Bildüberlagerung für iOS und Sie können mit Befehl-G zum nächsten Suchergebnis springen in der Suchleiste.

Außerdem haben wir die CURL Bibliothek auf Version 7.61.0 aktualisiert, DynaPDF auf Version, OpenSSL auf Version 1.1.0h und 1.0.2o, SQLite auf Version 3.24.0 und SQLAPI auf Version 4.3.3.

Alle Änderungen in den Release Notes.

FileMaker Magazin - MBS Artikel

For our German speaking users:

Wir haben die Artikel zum MBS Plugin aus dem FileMaker Magazin gesammelt hier online gestellt:

Mehr auf der FileMaker Magazin Seite bei uns.

Wir empfehlen allen FileMaker Anwender ein Abo vom Magazin und den Kauf der alten Ausgaben. Das FileMaker Magazin ist eine exzellente Quelle von Informationen, Anleitungen und Profitips.

Upcoming Xcode changes

When a new version of MacOS and Xcode is coming, one of the first things to read are the release notes. As we support FileMaker and Xojo versions for 10+ years, we tend to have really old minimum system requirements.

As far as we were told, the new Xcode version doesn't build 32-bit code any more. Also Apple highly recommends us to move from libstdc++ to libc++, which implies a MacOS 10.9 minimum.

Now if we as developer of the MBS Plugins would move next year to MacOS 10.15, we would no longer be able to run 32-bit only applications ourselves. This includes all FileMaker versions before 14 and all Xojo versions before 2017r3.

With Xcode 10 on MacOS X 10.14 new plugins can only be 64-bit on MacOS. It may be possible to install Xcode 9 in parallel and keep it for building 32-bit for the next years like we did for years with old Xcode with PPC code.

So be warned that one of the next MBS Plugin releases may be 64-bit only on Mac. Older versions stay available, but if older Xcode 9 would no longer run, we would not be able to build 32-bit.

See also The status of 32-bit and 64-bit macOS apps on Xojo Blog. Xojo may itself only build 64-bit on Mac soon.

Xojo Developer Meeting for Dallas

Due to the FileMaker DevCon, we will come to Grapevine, Texas in August.
So let's organize a Xojo developer meeting! Anyone interested?

Currently we'd like to know if there is interest for a dinner meeting or more?

Please fill the survey.
Dates is around 1st to 11th August 2018 on one of the evenings.

For a dinner, we would just meet in a restaurant and chat. If we get a bigger group, maybe get a separate room and with a screen and projector, so you an show something if you like.

If you are interested in some private consulting or training, let me know and we can arrange an appointment.

PS: I'll also attend the FileMaker Dallas meeting on 3rd August 2018.

MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.3pr7

New in this prerelease of the 18.3 plugins:
  • Updated DynaPDF to version
  • Updated plugin SDK for 2018r2.
Download: monkeybreadsoftware.com/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 8.3pr7

New in this prerelease of version 8.3 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin: Download at monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.3pr6

New in this prerelease of the 18.3 plugins:
  • Fixed auto commit issue for CubeSQL.
  • Fixed RegistryValueMBS.asLong32 setter for 64-bit.
  • Fixed CURLSMBS.SetupOAuth to pass parameter names in given case, no longer does lowercase.
  • Added Name property for AVAudioPlayerMBS class.
  • Fixed issue with AVFoundationMBS where the plugin would return the right Xojo object for a AV* object.
  • Added kAUTH_Bearer, OptionDisableUserNameInURL, OptionProxyTLS13Ciphers and OptionTLS13Ciphers to CURLSMBS class.
  • Updated CURL to version 7.61.0.
  • Added MountPathMBS function.
Download: monkeybreadsoftware.com/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 8.3pr6

New in this prerelease of version 8.3 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin: Download at monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

MBS Xojo Conference in Munich starts in only eight weeks

Just eight weeks till the start of our European MBS Xojo Conference 2018.

Already fifty developers from twelve countries are signed up including Xojo CEO Geoff Perlman and Xojo Evangelist Paul Lefebvre. Reserve your ticket and your hotel room as soon as possible.
Our Hotel room contingent expires later this month, so please make sure you have a room booked.

The schedule:

Sep 4thDayoptional sight seeing tour
Sep 4thEveningoptional get-together with everyone arriving early
Sep 5thDayoptional Xojo training (English)
Sep 5thEveningoptional get-together with everyone arriving early
Sep 6th9:00 to 18:00First day of conference with keynotes
EveningDinner event in Augustiner Keller
Sep 7th9:00 to 18:00Second day of conference with more sessions
EveningOptional dinner together

We all look forward to presentations about Android, the new Web Framework other news in the Xojo keynote.

Register here. Attending the conference costs regularly 699 Euro plus VAT, including food and beverage in the Maritim Hotel as well as an accompanying social program.

Sessions are to be held in English. Our conference is conceived as a networking event for the Xojo community. The conference is an ideal opportunity for sharing your thoughts and your own development experience with fellow users and developers. If you like to hold a presentation, please contact us as soon as possible.

PS: OmegaBundle includes a transferable coupon to save 100 Euro on the registration fee.

Video from MBS Presentation at DotFMP 2018

At the dotfmp conference in Berlin this year I presented a bit about MBS Plugin.

ThumbnailDotFMP 2018 Presentation


47:13 minutes

You can watch the presentation and a few questions. Enjoy!

If you like to see this live and bring your questions, you can join future conferences in London, Malbun and Gothenburg.

You can see more videos on our website including older presentations.

Omegabundle 2018 for Xojo ends soon

Omegabundle for Xojo 2018 Developer Tools Bundle Announced; Save 89% on Top Tools
The offer ends 30th July 2018.

Omegabundle for Xojo 2018 is a collection of 13 (122+ individual items!) of the most useful tool sets, add-ons, digital books and components for use with Xojo Inc's Xojo development environment. If purchased separately and not including any additional offers, the total cost would be over $3,656.30. Omegabundle for Xojo 2018 costs $399.

Xojo is an award-winning, cross-platform development tool for the Desktop (OS X, Windows, Linux), Web, iOS (iPad/iPhone) and Raspberry Pi. With Xojo, you can create native applications by using drag-and-drop to build your user interface and then one straight-forward programming language to enable the functionality. Xojo is powerful and modern, yet easy to use and learn. Download Xojo today and see for yourself.

Included Products

  • AprendeXojo GuancheMOS. The toolkit you need for application serialization and validation.
  • AprendeXojo HTML Colorizer for Xojo. Build Xojo apps that include colorized editing of HTML files.
  • GrafittiSuite Desktop Edition. 32 incredible user interface controls for Xojo that add value and improve the professional appeal of your Xojo applications.
  • MaxProg Ultimate eMail Toolkit. Includes the MaxBulk Mailer bulk emailer and e-mailmerge application, eMail Extractor, eMail Verifier and eMail Bounce Handler, with a single license that works on both macOS and Windows.
  • Monkeybread Chart Director. Add interactive charts and graphs to your Xojo applications.
  • Monkeybread Complete Plugins. 60+ plugins that extend Xojo with capabilities you want and need to build professional, native OS applications
  • Monkeybread Software DynaPDF Starter. Create, import and modify PDF files on Mac, Windows, Linux
  • xDev Library. ebook series of books and premium articles written by veteran Xojo developers.
  • Paradigma Software Valentina Studio Pro. Ultimate reports designer, database administration and forms creation tool that runs on all three operating systems - Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
  • Paradigma Software ValentinaDB ADK for Xojo. Embed the ultra-fast, object-relational Valentina database into your applications and deploy royalty free - Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, including Raspberry PI!
  • Paradigma Software Valentina Reports ADK for Xojo. Generate visually rich reports as graphics, web pages or PDF from your Xojo applications on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux including Raspberry PI!
  • Paradigma Software Valentina Server Unlimited. 3-in-1 Reports Server along with two database servers: one built on object-relational Valentina Database and the other on SQLite. Report serving works with MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server and the included Valentina and SQLite servers
  • xDev Magazine. 12 month subscription to xDev Magazine + some back issues + PRINTED volume, the professional's magazine for developing with Xojo with topical articles by professional Xojo developers

You can order Omegabundle for Xojo 2018 from the Omegabundle website. Please allow up to three business days for all components to be supplied by participating vendors.

As a bonus, you are also eligible for a discount coupon towards the MBS Xojo Conference in Munich, Germany on September 6th and 7th of 2018. Purchasers will receive details of the discount which amounts to 100 Euro + VAT discount (about $135 USD). (more)

MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.3pr5

New in this prerelease of the 18.3 plugins:
  • Updated internal graphics functions for Xojo 2018r2.
  • Fixed Cocoa target for OverlayMBS to not use NSWindowStyleMaskNonactivatingPanel which causes a warning from AppKit.
  • Added InsertRecord and UpdateRecord methods to SQLDatabaseMBS class.
  • Added UpdateRecord method to SQLConnectionMBS class.
  • Added shared memory methods to FileMappingMBS class.
  • Added new WindowsGraphicsInfoMBS constructors which uses main screen, window or control.
  • Changed DynaPDFMBS.ImportPDFFile to close open page before importing to avoid error.
Download: monkeybreadsoftware.com/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 8.3pr5

New in this prerelease of version 8.3 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin: Download at monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

New SQL Insert and Update functions for our Xojo Plugin

Writing prepared statements to update fields in a database or to make an insert can be challenge for some of our users. So we got an easier way for most inserts/updates, which may help you:

InsertRecord(TableName as String, Record as Dictionary)
UpdateRecord(TableName as String, Record as Dictionary, Keys as Dictionary)

Those functions are available both on SQLDatabaseMBS and SQLConnectionMBS classes. They allow you to pass table name and field values as dictionaries. The keys in the dictionaries must of course match the names of the database fields exactly. We create the SQL statement for you and run it with the given values bound to the parameters. For the update statement, you provide the primary keys in a dictionary to identify the records to update.

Especially for the primary keys, the pair syntax is quite useful: new dictionary("ID":2). This means you create a new dictionary by passing a pair with key and value to be inserted in the new dictionary.

Same code may look like this:

dim db as SQLDatabaseMBS // your database connection
dim d as new Dictionary

d.Value(kFieldPersonFirstName) = FirstName.text
d.Value(kFieldPersonLastName) = LastName.text

db.UpdateRecord(kTablePerson, d, new dictionary("ID":2))

if db.Error then
    MsgBox db.ErrorMessage
end if

As always, it's useful to put names of tables and fields into constants, so you may not type them incorrectly and the compiler catches mistyped constant names.

Sign up for European FileMaker Conferences 2018

Please join 500+ FileMaker developers at the European developer conferences this year:
Conference Name Language Location Date Registration
FM Summit Dutch Gent, Belgium 15 - 17 October Website
FileMaker Italian DevCon Italian Bologna, Italy 17 - 19 October Website
FileMaker Konferenz German Malbun, Liechtenstein 17 - 20 October Website
FileMaker Devcon Scandinavia English Gothenburg, Sweden 22 - 23 October Website
FileMaker UK Developer Event English London, United Kingdom 23 - 24 October Website
FM Conférence French La Rochelle, France 24 - 26 October Website
FileMaker Spanish DevCon Spanish Madrid, Spain 26 - 27 October


xDev Magazine Issue 16.4 Issue

The July/August (16.4) issue of xDev Magazine is now available. Here's a quick preview of what's inside:

Scripting PDFs by Marc Zeedar
Marc previously wrote separately about using XojoScript to retrieve stock prices and using the DocVerter web service to convert documents to PDF. Now he combines the two, demonstrating how to create PDFs via scripting. This includes full scripted picture support!

Apple's Dark Vision of the Future by Sam Rowlands
At this June's Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC), Apple went all in with "Dark Mode" support in their upcoming Mac OS release, Mojave. This new feature completely changes how dark mode is supported, so read this article for the early details and see how you can enable dark mode support in your own Xojo applications.

Refactoring a Controller Module, Part 1 by JC Cruz
Earlier in this series, Jose created a controller module to manage his data models. This time he demonstrates how to refactor the controller module to support other models without breaking existing code.

PLUS: Learning to code, Just Code Challenge, Webinars, WWDC 2018,PITR, and more!


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