New in MBS FileMaker Plugin 14.4

In this article we want to introduce you the new functions from the MBS FileMaker Plugin in version 14.4.


We have added a couple of JSON functions for you that you can use to create, update or delete records in your database. With the JSON.InsertOrUpdateRecord function, you even have the option of changing a data record if it already exists or creating a new one if it does not exist yet. With JSON.UpdateRecords and JSON.DeleteRecords, not only one record can be changed or deleted, but several records can be modified or removed at the same time. If you only want to create, change or delete one data record, you can use the JSON.InsertRecord, JSON.UpdateRecord or JSON.DeleteRecord functions. So that we know which data record we are addressing with JSON.UpdateRecord, for example, we first specify the file name in the parameters of the functions, as we get it from the FM function Get(FileName). This is followed by the table name and the primary key of the data record. For updating, we then also specify the value that we want to update.


Add the Saxon processor to MBS Plugins?

For years we had XLST 1.0 and XQuery in the plugins using open source libraries. We could add the Saxon processor library for XLST, XQuery and XML Schema functionality. But that library has a cost as a commercial library, so making a plugin would only work if we have enough people taking it. We are collecting a list of developers interested in this to know whether it is feasible to do this.


ZUGFeRD mit DynaPDF und MBS

Zu keinem anderen Thema haben aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum so viele Fragen in den letzten Wochen und Monaten bekommen als zu dem Thema E-Rechnung. Ab 2025 müssen die meisten Unternehmen E-Rechnungen zumindest empfangen und lesen können. Im Verlauf der nächsten Jahre müssen sogar kleine Unternehmen E-Rechnungen ausstellen können. Dass die Nachfrage groß ist ist verständlich und so haben wir unsere, bereits seit Jahren existierenden Beispiele, noch einmal überarbeitet und auf den momentanen Stand gebracht.

Das überarbeite Beispiel ZUGFeRD Rechnung erstellen.fmp12 zeigt Ihnen wie Sie mit Hilfe von MBS und einer DynaPDF Professional Lizenz mit PDF/A Erweiterung eine ZUGFeRD Rechnung nach EN 16931 erstellen können. Wir haben dabei die notwendigen, wie auch vereinzelt für uns zusätzlich nützlich erscheinende Informationen, in die Rechnung übernommen. Das Beispiel ist ZUGFeRD in Version 2.2.

Mit der ZUGFeRD Rechnung auslesen.fmp12 Datei stellen wir Ihnen eine Datei zur Verfügung die alle Informationen aus Rechnungen nach EN 16931 ausliest und Ihnen diese darstellt. Das ermöglicht Ihnen ein Script zu schreiben in dem Sie die Feldwerte aus unserem Beispiel in die Felder Ihres bereits bestehenden Rechnungsprogrammes überführen.


Omegabundle for Xojo 2024 ends in a few days

Omegabundle ended

Extract invoice for ZUGFeRD and Facture-X

Let's say you received an electronic invoice in Germany or France as a PDF document with embedded XML. You like tp use DynaPDF to extract the XML and we have a sample file for you, which we like to explain here. So let's take a look on the main script to extract the attachment with the XML.

First we initialize DynaPDF and have the script load the dynapdf library. Then we open the invoice PDF with DynaPDF.OpenPDFFromContainer function and then use DynaPDF.ImportPDFFile function to import the content of the PDF into memory into the working PDF.


# Make new PDF environments

Set Variable [ $pdf ; Value: MBS("DynaPDF.New") ]

# Load PDF from container

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("DynaPDF.OpenPDFFromContainer"; $pdf; ZUGFeRD Extract XML::Input PDF) ]

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("DynaPDF.ImportPDFFile"; $pdf) ]


Find computer location

Sometimes you may work on a project for macOS where it would be useful to know the location of the computer. You can use CoreLocation classes in MBS Xojo Plugins to query the location, but maybe it is not available, so lets check status.

We can ask locationServicesAvailable to check whether the API is available and use locationServicesEnabled to check whether it is enabled. Nowadays most Macs have location enabled, but sometimes in a cooperate environment, it may be turned off. If turned off, we can stop bothering asking the user.

Sub Init() If Not MyLocationManager.locationServicesAvailable Then MsgBox "Location Services are not available." end if if not MyLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled then MsgBox "Location Services are not enabled." end if End

Adding ChatGPT to the ScriptWorkspace context menu

A few days ago we got a request on whether we can directly integrate ChatGPT to the ScriptWorkspace in FileMaker. Since we have already plenty of extensions to the ScriptWorkspace on macOS, we can just add a menu command for this. For Windows, the same thing could be done as a hotkey.


If you like to use this, you need to have your own API key and organization ID for ChatGPT and please insert it right into the sample code. Once you have the Let statement, you can pass it to the SyntaxColoring.AddContextMenuCommand function to add as a menu command.

To get the Let statement below, we started with a short script to use our CURL functions to query a completion via ChatGPT. We create the CURL session, set the URL and headers with the authentication details. Then we build the JSON with the request to have our prompt to summarize and the user text to process. Once we set the post content, we run the request and on success pick the output from the JSON and show it with a message box:


MBS Plugin 14.4 for Claris FileMaker

Nickenich, Germany - (September 17th, 2024) -- Monkeybread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 14.4 for Claris FileMaker for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for Claris FileMaker produce line. As the leading database management solution for Windows, macOS, iOS and the web, the Claris FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 14.4 has been updated and now includes over 7400 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:

We got a few convenience functions to do database operations and pass record data as JSON. Use JSON.InsertRecord to create a new record and pass values for fields as JSON. Our plugin will detect the field types and correctly handles number, date, time and timestamp fields.

You can update a record with the JSON.UpdateRecord function and provide the new field values as well as the primary key to find the record. Use JSON.UpdateRecords to update multiple records. The JSON.InsertOrUpdateRecord function goes a step further and updates an existing record. If none exists, it creates a new record. And finally you can delete one record with JSON.DeleteRecord function or multiple with JSON.DeleteRecords function.

The tidy library allows us to cleanup and repair both XML and HTML. The XML.Tidy function fixes XML. And Text.Tidy function can do HTML, too. If you need to parse HTML, please use Text.HTMLtoJSON function to convert HTML to JSON and then process the JSON.

Use DynaPDF.CreateExtGState to create a new extend graphics state and activate it with DynaPDF.SetExtGState function to use transparency in vector graphics, control overprint and rendering intent. We can create URL actions to have a button open an URL. You can query encryption information for a file and test whether a password is valid.

We added MongoDB.CursorRecords to query the JSON for all found records. The MongoDB.ReplaceOne function takes options and we improved the MongoDB logging.

On macOS you can use Command-Option-Shift-F shortcut in layout editor to jump to the object search field. With SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteVariables.SetLocals you can set a list of variables to always show up in auto complete. And the dialog to specify a field shows the field type in a tooltip.

The XL functions can now remove printer settings and VBA scripts from an Excel document. Use FM.FieldStatistics function to query size statistics for a field in a table over all records. The Python.RunFile function allows to run a Python script from disk.

Finally we updated CURL to version 8.10.0, DynaPDF to, LibXL to 4.4.0, openssl to 3.1.6, SQLAPI to 5.3.4 with DuckDB 1.0 support and SQLite to version 3.46.1.

See release notes for a complete list of changes.

MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.4

Nickenich, Germany - (September 17th, 2024) -- Monkeybread Software today is pleased to announce MBS Xojo Plugins 24.4 for macOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin collection currently available for Xojo. MBS Xojo Plugins have been updated and now includes over 3000 classes and 82,000 documented features, and the versatile plugins have gained more new functions:

Use the ZxingBarcodeMBS module with the functions there to read barcodes from images. We support 18 different types of barcodes including EAN, UPC and QRCodes.

We improved our Linux support by using newer compilers for all 4 Linux targets: 32- and 64-bit on ARM or x86 architecture. This enables 32-bit Linux support for newer parts of our plugins. You can use JSONMBS class, Phidget classes, LibUSBTransferMBS class and XL classes there.

Use Handoff to continue tasks on your other devices with macOS or iOS. The NSUserActivityMBS class helps you to implement this in your Xojo project and pass the current state from one device to the other device.

If you use CURL to retrieve emails from your IMAP server, please use the DecodeIMAPFolderName function to decode folder names from UTF-7 encoding. You can specify not just the minimum required TLS version, but also the maximum and we have new constants for these. We improved CURLSMultiMBS class to let you better reuse CURL objects.

Showing a statusitem in the Mac menubar can be done with our NSStatusItemMBS class. Use the new DidMove and DidResize events to notice if the statusitem moved. The DidChangeOcclusionState event tells you if the statusitem got hidden when the screen resolution is too low to show all statusitems.

With DynaPDF you can query the encryption state of the file with the GetInEncryptionInfo function and the DynaPDFEncryptInfoMBS class. The TestPassword function and verify whether a password is correct.

We improved the MongoDB classes with better trace logging. The MongoCursorMBS class can now provide all records as one big JSON string.

The TidyDocumentMBS class got a Tidy() function to make the usage easier and tidy up XML and HTML with a function call. You can list all option names with the OptionNames function.

The NetSNMPMBS class got new properties for SNMPv3 support, the NSViewMBS class got a hitTest() function to find a view in the hierachie based on screen coordinates and in SceneKit you can specify shader modifiers with new properties in SCNMaterialMBS and SCNGeometryMBS classes.

Finally we updated CURL to version 8.10.0, DynaPDF to, LibXL to 4.4.0, openssl to 3.1.6, SQLAPI to 5.3.4 with DuckDB 1.0 support, SQLite to 3.46.1 and Tidy library to version 5.8.

See release notes for a complete list of changes.

Neues MBS Plugin 14.4 für Claris FileMaker

17. September 2024 - Monkeybread Software veröffentlicht heute das MBS FileMaker Plugin für Claris FileMaker in Version 14.4, mit inzwischen über 7400 Funktionen eines der größten FileMaker Plugins überhaupt. Hier einige der Neuerungen:

Wir haben ein paar praktische Funktionen, um Datenbankoperationen durchzuführen und Datensätze als JSON zu übergeben. Verwenden Sie JSON.InsertRecord, um einen neuen Datensatz zu erstellen und Werte für Felder als JSON zu übergeben. Unser Plugin erkennt die Feldtypen und behandelt Dezimal-, Datums-, Zeit- und Zeitstempelfelder korrekt.

Sie können einen Datensatz mit der Funktion JSON.UpdateRecord aktualisieren und die neuen Feldwerte sowie den Primärschlüssel übergeben, um den Datensatz zu finden. Verwenden Sie JSON.UpdateRecords, um mehrere Datensätze zu aktualisieren. Die Funktion JSON.InsertOrUpdateRecord geht noch einen Schritt weiter und aktualisiert einen vorhandenen Datensatz. Wenn kein Datensatz vorhanden ist, wird ein neuer Datensatz erstellt. Und schließlich können Sie einen Datensatz mit der Funktion JSON.DeleteRecord oder mehrere Datensätze mit der Funktion JSON.DeleteRecords löschen.

Die Tidy-Bibliothek ermöglicht es uns, sowohl XML als auch HTML zu bereinigen und zu reparieren. Die Funktion XML.Tidy bereinigt XML. Und die Funktion Text.Tidy kann zusätzlich HTML reparieren. Wenn Sie HTML parsen müssen, verwenden Sie bitte die Funktion Text.HTMLtoJSON, um HTML in JSON zu konvertieren und dann das JSON zu verarbeiten.

Verwenden Sie DynaPDF.CreateExtGState, um einen erweiterte Grafikstatus zu erstellen. Setzen Sie ihn mit der Funktion DynaPDF.SetExtGState, um Transparenz in Vektorgrafiken zu verwenden, Überdrucken und Rendering Intent zu steuern. Wir können URL-Aktionen erstellen, damit eine Schaltfläche eine URL öffnet. Sie können Verschlüsselungsinformationen für eine Datei abfragen und prüfen, ob ein Passwort gültig ist.

Verwenden Sie MongoDB.CursorRecords um ein JSON für alle gefundenen Datensätze abzufragen. Die Funktion MongoDB.ReplaceOne akzeptiert Optionen und wir haben die MongoDB-Protokollierung verbessert.

Unter macOS können Sie die Tastenkombination Befehl-Option-Shift-F im Layout Modus verwenden, um zum Objektsuchfeld zu springen. Mit SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteVariables.SetLocals können Sie eine Liste von Variablen festlegen, die beim Auto Complete immer angezeigt werden. Und der Dialog zur Angabe eines Feldes zeigt den Feldtyp in einem Tooltip an.

Die XL-Funktionen können nun Druckereinstellungen und VBA-Skripte aus einem Excel-Dokument entfernen. Mit der Funktion FM.FieldStatistics können Sie Größenstatistiken für ein Feld in einer Tabelle über alle Datensätze abfragen. Die Funktion Python.RunFile ermöglicht die Ausführung eines Python-Skripts von der Festplatte.

Schließlich haben wir CURL auf Version 8.10.0, DynaPDF auf, LibXL auf 4.4.0, openssl auf 3.1.6, SQLAPI auf 5.3.4 mit DuckDB 1.0 Unterstützung und SQLite auf Version 3.46.1 aktualisiert.

Alle Änderungen in den Release Notes.

Unlocking the Power of PDFs in FileMaker with DynaPDF and the MBS FileMaker Plugin

When it comes to handling PDF documents, FileMaker developers have a robust ally in DynaPDF and the MBS FileMaker Plugin. This powerful combination opens up a world of possibilities for creating, modifying, and managing PDF files directly within your FileMaker solutions. Let’s dive into the key capabilities that DynaPDF and the MBS FileMaker Plugin bring to the table.

For each point we can link to the relevant functions and on the documentation pages, you find listed examples and further blog articles.

1. Create PDFs from Scratch

With DynaPDF and the MBS FileMaker Plugin, you can effortlessly generate PDF files directly from FileMaker. Whether you need to create a professional invoice, a custom report, or any other document, you have full control over the layout and content. You can incorporate text, images, and graphics to design documents that align perfectly with your needs. This functionality allows for seamless integration of data from FileMaker into beautifully formatted PDFs.

See DynaPDF.New and then DynaPDF.AppendPage to add pages.


Plugin backwards compatibility to older operation systems

In general we recommend you use a recent Windows version and a recent Linux distribution, so you have all the security fixes. But sometimes we get asked about support of older versions.

We tried the upcoming 24.4 plugins on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Ubuntu 18 to verify what works. Here are the results:


Ideas wanted for future FMTraining MBS Livestreams

We recently got the 60th live stream on with Christian Schmitz talking about MBS Plugin for FileMaker. Richard and his team even prepared a cake for this event. 60 sessions in about 3 years is a lot and we like to have more in the future.

Watch the cake being presented on YouTube

Regularly we make new live streams talking about new MBS Plugin versions and Q&A sessions. But we like to get ideas for new topics to make separate special live streams. These can show examples and do live coding, which also shows how we debug issues on the way.

Please let us know what topics you like to see coming up!

Xojo Stammtisch in Wien

Wer hat Interesse an einem Xojo Entwicklertreffen im September in Wien?

Einfach in gemütlicher Runde treffen in einem netten Restaurant und beim Abendessen was über Xojo reden. Vielleicht habt ihr ja auch Fragen und Probleme, wo ich helfen kann?

Zeit wäre ca. 18 bis 21 Uhr, so dass man auch später kommen oder früher gehen kann.

Termin: 23., 24. oder 26. September Termin Umfrage

Bei Interesse bitte bei uns melden.

Falls sonst noch Bedarf an Schulung, vor Ort Entwicklung oder FileMaker/Xojo Hilfe besteht, bitte wegen Terminfindung bald melden.

Claris Engage 2025 - Registration is open

Claris Inc. announced that the registration is open for the annual Claris Engage developer conference. Once again they do a conference in Austin, Texas from 25th to 26th March 2025 with an optional training day on 27th March. Please join the biggest FileMaker developer conference of the year:

Tickets are from $1099 USD for very early bird tickets to later $1850 USD for the full price ticket with training. Be sure to arrive 24th, so you can join others for a dinner meet-up on the conference eve. If Claris doesn't organize something, we and others may step in and make a reservation.


Read barcodes with newer zxing classes

We had zxing classes in our plugins to recognize barcodes for many years. The older zxing library we used got outdated, but there is a successor. The zxing library got branched and we can use the newer versions with a different interface to make new classes and a module for Xojo:

The new module has two methods to take a picture and find barcodes:


FileMaker Konferenz 2024 in Malbun - Noch 3 Wochen

Vom 1. bis 4. Oktober 2024 findet die nächste deutschsprachige FileMaker Konferenz in Malbun, Liechtenstein statt. Einige Tickets für die Konferenz sind noch zu haben.

Monkeybread Software ist als Sponsor mit Stand und Session vor Ort. Bitte kommen Sie mit Ihren Fragen vorbei!

Wir planen für den 1. Oktober einen Wandertag ein (Anmeldung bei uns). Wer mit möchte, kann dann bei hoffentlich schönem Wetter mit uns durch die Berge wandern. z.B. von Malbun auf den Sareis zum Bergrestaurant. Der genaue Weg wird kurzfristig je nach Wetter und Öffnungszeiten vom Ziel entschieden. Los geht es gegen 10 Uhr, damit wir rechtzeitig vor dem Apero zurück sind.


Product Manager Job at Claris available

Claris Inc. is looking for a new product manager:

Senior Product Manager – Claris

While it is fascinating to get a look into the job definition, salary, benefits and responsibilities of this job, I wonder what is going on at Claris?

In the last years we saw quite a bit of change at Claris with people leaving and new people arriving. But with everyone going or retiring, there is a brain drain. It seems to be difficult to retain people in Silicon Valley and keep them for more than a few years. But to execute on a strategy in the long run, you need to keep people for a decade or longer.

For this job offer, I wonder whether this is a new position for something new at Claris or if they replace someone, who may have or need to leave. Maybe someone can share?

Reading the job offer, I wonder if people could do this remotely, since Silicon Valley is an expensive place to live. The job offer doesn't specify where you work, just Sunnyvale on the top, where Claris Inc. has their office. If I remember correctly Apple asks for 3 days per week in the office, but not sure whether this applies here.

Claris has some more job offers, if you like to work there:

MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.4pr6

New in this prerelease of the 24.4 plugins:
  • Fixed problem with ReadBarcodes function in ZxingBarcodeMBS module.
  • Updated LibXL to version 4.4.0.
  • Fixed thread naming to avoid renaming main thread.
  • Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.4 with DuckDB 1.0 support.
  • Improved CURLSMultiMBS class to clear cancel flag for CURLSMBS objects.
  • Fixed NSFileCoordinatorMBS constructor to accept nil parameter.
  • Added DidMove and DidResize events for NSStatusItemMBS class.
  • Added DidChangeOcclusionState event for NSStatusItemMBS class to detect if your item is not shown.
  • Changed captureStillImageAsynchronouslyCompleted event in AVFoundationMBS class, so it prepares CMSampleBufferMBS with Picture when set PrepareCIImage, PrepareNSImage and PrepareJPEGData is set in AVCaptureVideoDataOutputMBS class.
  • Added shaderModifiers and handle properties for SCNMaterialMBS class.
  • Added shaderModifiers for SCNGeometryMBS class.
  • Updated CURL to version 8.10.0.
Or ask us to be added to our shared DropBox folder.

You can subscribe to our Xojo mailing list to get notified for new pre-release and release versions.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 14.4pr6

New in this prerelease of version 14.4 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin: Download at

You can subscribe to our FileMaker mailing list to get notified for new pre-release and release versions.

Deprecation of TLS 1.0 and 1.1

Anyone still needs TLS 1.0 and 1.1 when working with MBS Plugins?

OpenSSL plans to disable them by default. We should do the same.

Everyone moved to TLS 1.2 and 1.3 as far as we know, so nobody should need the older one. The version 1.2 was published in 2008 and most browser already removed support for the older ones.
The older versions had weak ciphers and digest algorithms which shouldn't be used anymore. It's too easy to attack such connections and be the man in the middle, who could decipher the content.

Let us know if you still need older versions. Otherwise they will get disabled in future plugins, probably next year.

18 years since MBS FileMaker Plugin version 1.0

Today eighteen years ago we released the MBS FileMaker Plugin in Version 1.0.
Here the original announcement:

[ANN] MBS Plug-in For FileMaker

Make FileMaker Windows Semi Transparent!
Take Screenshots from FileMaker
Run an Applescript on field exit
and more...

Monkey Bread Software, maker of the popular MBS Plug-in for RealBasic and geist interactive have teamed up to bring the extensive MBS function library to FileMaker. The MBS RealBasic plug-in contains over 10000 functions, and this release represents the first step in a project to bring as many of those functions to FileMaker as make sense. Many many more features to com in the future.

The plug-in is available for FileMaker 8 and 8.5. It is available for Windows XP and as Universal Binary for Mac OS X There is a Developer Tool available to help you get started quickly with documentation and Calculation builder. Demos are available on the website

more info:

Read also: 4000 functions in 10 years and 5000 Functions in MBS Plugin.

Thanks for the support over years.

Things learnt about FileMaker

Going to a FileMaker conference teaches you a lot of things. You talk with a lot of experienced developers and enjoy some great presentations. Let's think about a few I remember:

PSoS vs. job queue

The call to PSoS takes time to start the session, open files, load schema, run open and close script triggers. It can be quicker to use a job queue table and run one script server side to check every few seconds if the queue has new entries and trigger scripts to process the jobs. This script just pauses most of the time and still is very responsible.

More OData

Claris looks into improving their OData support for the next releases. And then eventually the ODBC/JDBC support will internally go through OData to provide connectivity for older systems, that can't yet do OData.


MBS FileMaker Plugin - Brisbane 2024

Please watch our short presentation for conference in Brisbane, Australia. We show a few new things in 2024 for MBS Plugin for Claris FileMaker.

More movies   Watch on YouTube.


MBS @ FMTraining.TV - MonkeyBread Plug-in Q&A with Christian Schmitz

Check out the website. Richard Carlton and his team do a daily free live stream about FileMaker to watch.

A few days ago Christian Schmitz from Monkeybread Software joined a live episode to talk a bit about the MBS FileMaker Plugin. Watch it on YouTube.

We answer questions from the live stream. This includes Overlay functions with Drag & Drop or hosting a web viewer. We check file dialogs and Drag & Drop as way to import lots of files into FileMaker. We check MapKit functions, progress bar in portals, cropping images and try a window moved script trigger. Thanks to everyone bringing questions!


Managing File Access in Xojo with NSFileCoordinator

In the realm of cross-platform development, handling file access consistently across different operating systems can be a challenging task. For Xojo developers working on macOS or iOS, NSFileCoordinatorMBS and NSFilePresenterMBS from the Monkeybread Software’s Xojo plugins offer a powerful way to manage file access while avoiding conflicts with iCloud. In this blog post, we’ll delve into a practical example of using these classes in a Xojo project.

Introduction to NSFileCoordinatorMBS and NSFilePresenterMBS

Before we dive into the code, let’s briefly understand what NSFileCoordinatorMBS and NSFilePresenterMBS do:

  • NSFileCoordinatorMBS: This class helps in coordinating access to files across different processes. It ensures that multiple processes can read from or write to a file without interfering with each other, thus avoiding file access conflicts.
  • NSFilePresenterMBS: This class works in tandem with NSFileCoordinatorMBS and represents a file or directory that presents its state to the file coordinator. It allows your app to be notified of changes to the file or directory it is coordinating. We won’t really use this class today.

Example Scenario

Let’s walk through a simple Xojo application example where a user selects a file, and the application reads its contents. We will use NSFileCoordinatorMBS and NSFilePresenterMBS to manage file access on macOS or iOS while skipping these steps on Windows and Linux.

(more) in Brisbane Australia

Greetings from the Australian FileMaker conference. It just started and we are happy to meet so many developers from the Asia Pacific area. Lots of attendees from Australia and New Zealand, but also up to Japan or Dubai. And some usual suspects from USA, Canada and Europe, who just like me love to explore the world. In total 110 people came including the Claris representatives.

There will be a short MBS Presentation to highlight a few new things in the plugin. Learn what is new in MBS Plugins this year. (more)

xDev Magazine 22.5 Issue

The September/October (22.5) issue of xDev Magazine is now available. Here's a quick preview of what's inside:

Xojo and MQTT by Tim Dietrich
MQTT is a low-resource messaging protocol that lets devices communicate with each other. It's ideal in scenarios where a device might not have a lot of power or connectivity. Tim explains how to use this with your own Xojo apps.

Balancing Act (Raspberry Pi Part 9) by Eugene Dakin
If you've ever wanted to use your Raspberry Pi to detect tilt and other movements, Eugene is here showing how to connect a gyroscopic sensor and read the results with Xojo.

Invaders from Space! by Marc Zeedar
In this fun summer project, Marc creates a version of the classic Space Invaders game in Xojo. You'll learn how to do animation, explosions, collision detection, and other aspects of game play. Use it as inspiration for your own retro games!

Design Patterns 6 -- Supporting Undo by Marc Zeedar
If you thought supporting undo in your app was difficult, it's because you weren't using the Command design pattern. Marc shows how it makes undo easy!

Plus: Topics such as how to use ChatGPT 4o-mini to correct your grammar, using overlays, retro gaming with Xojo, an interview with Kem Tekinay, and more!

Unlocking the Power of Database Analysis with MBS FileMaker Plugin Functions

When managing and optimizing FileMaker databases, understanding the details of your data is crucial. Whether you’re looking to optimize performance, audit data quality, or get insights into database structure, having precise statistical information about your database can be invaluable. The MBS FileMaker Plugin offers powerful functions for querying detailed statistics on fields, records, and entire tables. In this blog post, we’ll explore three key functions — FM.FieldStatistics, FM.RecordStatistics, and FM.TableStatistics — and how to use them to gain deep insights into your FileMaker databases.


17 years of MBS Xojo DynaPDF Plugin

About 17 years ago we started the development of our DynaPDF Plugin.

After a year of development, the plugin was released to the public on 1st Sep 2007 with MBS Plugin 7.6pr1.

This plugin has been a big success for us and provides the PDF engine to thousands of Xojo applications around the world. Based on user feedback we got a lot of functions over the years like the raster engine, PDF/A conversion and ZUGFeRD support.

Please make sure you try the plugin, make it part of your toolbox and start to enjoy all the PDF features you can add to your application.


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