MBS Xojo Conference - Xojo Update
We recorded the presentations at the MBS Xojo Conference in April 2024 and here is the first video with Geoff Perlman giving an update on Xojo:
Watch on YouTube. More videos will follow into the playlist.
(more)We recorded the presentations at the MBS Xojo Conference in April 2024 and here is the first video with Geoff Perlman giving an update on Xojo:
Watch on YouTube. More videos will follow into the playlist.
(more)In this article I want to introduce you the new functionalities from the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.2.
For MBS Xojo Plugins 24.2 we include new XL classes to create conditional formatting in an Excel file created in code. While you can always load an existing document with conditional formatting or diagrams and just fill the cells with data, we now can create the rules for conditional formatting in code. Our blog article explains exactly how this works: Conditional Formatting in Excel exports from Xojo. Just take a look and try it out.
See XLConditionalFormatMBS and XLConditionalFormattingMBS classes.
Check out the FMTraining.tv website. Richard Carlton and his team do a daily free live stream about FileMaker to watch.
A few days ago Christian Schmitz from Monkeybread Software joined a live episode to talk a bit about the MBS FileMaker Plugin. Watch it on YouTube.
We talk about MBS Plugin 14.2 release: Announcement, new functions and release notes.
(more)In this article we want to introduce you the new functions from the MBS FileMaker Plugin in version 14.2.
For MBS FileMaker Plugin 14.2 we include new XL functions to create conditional formatting in an Excel file created in a script. While you can always load an existing document with conditional formatting or diagrams and just fill the cells with data, we now can create the rules for conditional formatting in a script. Our blog article explains exactly how this works: Conditional Formatting in Excel exports from FileMaker. Just take a look and try it out.
Once again we have a FileMaker conference in Rome. The team of FMGuru and Direct Impact Solutions Group organizes a whole week of events from 7th to 13th October 2024 including sight seeing, a three day conference, a Claris partner meeting and several evening events to meet attendees.
We are happy to see support from Claris with them sending staff to present what is new in FileMaker products as well as Claris Studio.
Monkeybread Software is one of the sponsors and we look forward to talk about the MBS Plugin at the conference. This is your chance to directly ask Christian about the plugin and to suggest new features!
(more)Nickenich, Germany - (May 14th, 2024) -- Monkeybread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 14.2 for Claris FileMaker for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for Claris FileMaker produce line. As the leading database management solution for Windows, macOS, iOS and the web, the Claris FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 14.2 has been updated and now includes over 7300 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:
We upgraded our JSON functions with the JSON.Merge function to merge two JSON blocks or arrays. This allows to easily merge two arrays of JSON data for example. Since you may need to decide dynamically on what to replace with JSON.Replace, we got a new JSON.ReplaceEvaluate function to run an expression to build the new JSON to replace the old value. Use JSON.CurrentMatch to get the current found JSON.
The XL functions can create conditional formatting in your scripts. Use the XL.Book.AddConditionalFormat function to define the format and use XL.Sheet.AddConditionalFormatting to define the rules. This could be a simple comparison or include a calculation in Excel. The new LibXL version can better handle SVG, so we updated our XL.Book.GetPicture function.
When you build your iOS app using the FileMaker iOS SDK and you embed our plugin, then you can enjoy our new printing functions for iOS. Use PDFKit.SelectPrinter function to pick a printer and then use PDFKit.Print to print with or without dialog. A point of sale application can print receipts without a dialog to the printer selected by script.
Our MongoDB functions got improved with new functions to execute custom commands. If you expect a result, please use MongoDB.ClientCommandQuery instead of MongoDB.ClientCommand and loop over the returned documents. You can set the app name to be reported to the server on connecting and query the credentials used.
Our CURL functions can now pick the SSL backend. By default we use OpenSSL, but you can switch to SecureTransport on macOS or SecureChannel on Windows using CURL.SetSSLBackend function, if you prefer the local SSL engines. The plugin comes with the newer Apple IDN implementation for CURL, which we contributed to the project recently.
For the goodies in our plugin for macOS, we got a new label in the field picker to jump the table occurence you used the last time. Just click on the name to jump to that table occurence without manually picking it in the popup menu.
Use the Math.MovingAverage function to calculate the moving average with three different modes on the fly, check out Container.RemovePreview to remove preview images for containers and use GMImage.Flatten to remove alpha channel of an image and substitute with a background color. The Overlay.Move function can be animated, use Files.IsUserImmutable to check whether a file is locked by the user and configure the WebView on Windows to decide whether to hide PDF toolbar items or disable swipes.
Finally we updated CURL to version 8.7.1, DynaPDF to, LibXL to 4.3.0, SQLAPI to 5.3.1, SQLite to 3.45.3 and Xcode to version 15.3.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.
14. Mai 2024 - Monkeybread Software veröffentlicht heute das MBS FileMaker Plugin für Claris FileMaker in Version 14.2, mit inzwischen über 7300 Funktionen eines der größten FileMaker Plugins überhaupt. Hier einige der Neuerungen:
Wir haben unsere JSON-Funktionen um die Funktion JSON.Merge erweitert, mit der zwei JSON-Blöcke oder Arrays zusammengeführt werden können. Da Sie möglicherweise dynamisch entscheiden müssen, was mit JSON.Replace zu ersetzen ist, haben wir eine neue Funktion JSON.ReplaceEvaluate eingeführt, die einen Ausdruck ausführt, um das neue JSON zu erstellen, das den alten Wert ersetzt. Verwenden Sie JSON.CurrentMatch, um das aktuell gefundene JSON zu erhalten.
Mit den XL-Funktionen können Sie bedingte Formatierungen in Ihren Skripten erstellen. Verwenden Sie die Funktion XL.Book.AddConditionalFormat, um das Format zu definieren, und verwenden Sie XL.Sheet.AddConditionalFormatting, um die Regeln zu definieren. Dies könnte ein einfacher Vergleich sein oder eine Berechnung in Excel beinhalten. Die neue LibXL-Version kann besser mit SVG umgehen, daher haben wir unsere Funktion XL.Book.GetPicture aktualisiert.
Wenn Sie Ihre iOS-App mit dem FileMaker iOS SDK erstellen und unser Plugin einbetten, können Sie unsere neuen Druckfunktionen für iOS nutzen. Verwenden Sie die Funktion PDFKit.SelectPrinter, um einen Drucker auszuwählen, und verwenden Sie dann PDFKit.Print, um mit oder ohne Dialog zu drucken. Eine Kassenanwendung kann Quittungen ohne Dialog auf dem per Skript ausgewählten Drucker drucken.
Unsere MongoDB-Funktionen wurden um neue Funktionen zur Ausführung benutzerdefinierter Befehle erweitert. Wenn Sie ein Ergebnis erwarten, verwenden Sie bitte statt MongoDB.ClientCommand die MongoDB.ClientCommandQuery und führen Sie eine Schleife über die zurückgegebenen Dokumente aus. Sie können den App-Namen festlegen, der bei der Verbindung an den Server gemeldet werden soll, und die verwendeten Anmeldeinformationen abfragen.
Unsere CURL-Funktionen können nun das SSL-Backend auswählen. Standardmäßig verwenden wir OpenSSL, aber Sie können mit der Funktion CURL.SetSSLBackend zu SecureTransport unter macOS oder SecureChannel unter Windows wechseln, wenn Sie die lokalen SSL-Engines bevorzugen. Das Plugin kommt mit der neuere Apple IDN-Implementierung für CURL, die wir kürzlich zum Projekt beigesteuert haben.
Für die Goodies in unserem Plugin für macOS haben wir ein neues Label in der Feldauswahl, um zu der Tabelle zu springen, die Sie das letzte Mal verwendet haben. Klicken Sie einfach auf den Tabellennamen, um zu dieser Tabelle zu springen, ohne sie manuell im Popupmenü auszuwählen.
Verwenden Sie die Funktion Math.MovingAverage, um den gleitenden Durchschnitt mit drei verschiedenen Modi im laufenden Betrieb zu berechnen, probieren Sie Container.RemovePreview aus, um Vorschaubilder für Container zu entfernen, und verwenden Sie GMImage.Flatten, um den Alphakanal eines Bildes zu entfernen und durch eine Hintergrundfarbe zu ersetzen. Die Funktion Overlay.Move kann animiert werden, mit Files.IsUserImmutable können Sie prüfen, ob eine Datei vom Benutzer gesperrt ist, und die WebView unter Windows kann so konfiguriert werden, dass sie PDF-Symbolleistenelemente ausblendet oder Swipes deaktiviert.
Schließlich haben wir CURL auf Version 8.7.1, DynaPDF auf, LibXL auf 4.3.0, SQLAPI auf 5.3.1, SQLite auf 3.45.3 und Xcode auf Version 15.3 aktualisiert.
Alle Änderungen in den Release Notes.
Xojo Inc. announced a sale for the next few days:
(more)Save 20% on All Xojo Licenses & Extras
Right now through Thursday, May 16th save 20% on All Xojo Licenses!
New Licenses? Yes! Save 20% on New Licenses!
Renewals? Yes! Save 20% on all Renewals!
What about Upgrades? Yes! Save 20% on all Upgrades!Plus, save 20% on the entire Xojo Extras store. Find plugins, resources, classes and more to help you with all your projects!
We had a great conference in Andernach. Great to meet with all the people back in Germany after 5 years of a break.
When you fly in, instead of taking the subway to the city next to the airport, you take a train, maybe switch to another train and you make it to Andernach. If you come by car, your GPS will show you the way. By picking the smaller city, we get much more value from the hotels, restaurants and sights for our money. The city itself glances with history and buildings from the medieval and roman ruins. Add to that the nice parks and the initiative with the editable city with plenty of public vegetable and fruit gardens. Finally for us, organizing something just 6 km away from home is much easier than anything far away.
(more)If we like to pass data in the clone like a version number, we need to carry it inside the schema. This happens by putting the text into the default value of a field. Like having a special table for global settings and there a version field with the version number as default value.
Add field with default
You can modify the schema on FileMaker Pro, if it is not busy. So we usually do it on idle time with our FM.ExecuteFileSQLOnIdle function and run it in a script pause. The SQL command uses ALTER command with the ADD variant to add the field and we pass the default value in single quotes after the DEFAULT keyword. After the script pause, you can inspect error status and see whether the command was successful. Here is a sample script:
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("FM.ExecuteFileSQLOnIdle";"ALTER TABLE \"Test\" ADD \"Version\" VARCHAR DEFAULT '1.2' "; Get(FileName)) ]
Pause/Resume Script [ Duration (seconds): ,2 Duration (seconds): .2 ]
Set Variable [ $ErrorCode ; Value: MBS("FM.ExecuteSQL.LastError") ]
Set Variable [ $Message ; Value: MBS("FM.ExecuteSQL.LastErrorMessage") ]
If [ $ErrorCode = 0 ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "Added field" ; "Okay" ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "Added field" ; $Message ]
End If
You can subscribe to our Xojo mailing list to get notified for new pre-release and release versions.
You can subscribe to our FileMaker mailing list to get notified for new pre-release and release versions.
Check out the FMTraining.tv website. Richard Carlton and his team do a daily free live stream about FileMaker to watch.
A few days ago Christian Schmitz from Monkeybread Software joined a live episode to talk a bit about the MBS FileMaker Plugin. Watch it on YouTube.
We go through the resent MBS Presentation from the last conference and discuss the individual features.
(more)You may know that Claris itself only offers 5 seats or more for their Claris Cloud or on-premise hosting. But in the last days FMCloud.fm started listing a personal plan starting at $29 USD per user and months with annual billing.
This is a great way for having a small company with one to four people host their database on a server in a nearby data center. And the price includes the FileMaker license!
Think about it: You could buy a single box of FileMaker Pro for $540 USD to run FileMaker locally or pay $350 per year to host your database on a server with one user and access it from anywhere using FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go or Web Direct.
(more)When Xojo adds preemptive threading in one of the next releases, a few people will jump into this and play with it. But you need to understand when to use preemptive and when cooperative threads are better. As far as we know, you can switch this anytime by setting a property to basically opt-out the thread from the cooperative thread scheduler and run the thread preemptive.
A chance where to switch explicitly to the preemptive thread is when calling a lengthly functions like for example JSON parsing. Let's show a bit of pseudo-code:
When your application needs a picture, you may offer the user to pick a picture from the photo library. With the PHPickerViewControllerMBS class in our MBS Xojo iOS Plugin, you can let the user pick a picture from his/her photo library. And with the controller the user doesn't need to grant permission to the photo library.
(more)Since we got JSON.Replace function to search and replace values in JSON, we got requests to decide in code what and how to replace. For the upcoming 14.2 release we offer you a JSON.ReplaceEvaluate function where you can pass an expression to run within the replace to decide what to do.
Let's make a very easy example:
MBS( "JSON.ReplaceEvaluate"; "[1,2]"; "$[*]"; " MBS(\"JSON.CurrentMatch\") + 1" )
Input is a JSON array with two values: [1, 2] and output is an array with values [2, 3]. The search expression finds each entry in the array and in the expression we query the current JSON value and adds one.
(more)At the training day before our Xojo conference, we showed how to make a little REST web API with a Xojo web project and provide data to desktop, console, iOS and Android applications. And all use very similar and almost identical code.
There are little differences like iOS has tables with sections and cell data objects while android uses value and detail texts for the rows. But we were impressed on how much is so similar. Let us show you the similarities and differences.
Let's start with opening a database in a web project. For the sample, we use the example database coming with the EddiesElectronics project, but you can use whatever SQLite database you like or connect to a database server.
In the web project, we add code in the Opening event:
Check out the FileMaker Magazine website. Matt Petrowsky provides a huge collection of training videos around FileMaker. And recently he started a series of videos about our MBS Plugin:
Watch it on filemakermagazine.com and subscribe to his YouTube channel.
Matt shows what cool things he built with our Matrix functions to work on tab separated data from clipboard.
(more)You can subscribe to our Xojo mailing list to get notified for new pre-release and release versions.
You can subscribe to our FileMaker mailing list to get notified for new pre-release and release versions.