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RegEx Speed Test

Kem Tekinay, one of our plugin users made a speed test with RegEx class in Real Studio and the RegExMBS class in MBS Plugins.
Well, it looks like the plugin is magnitudes faster.

This are some results you can see with the sample project:

String Created: 1.048.500 bytes
RegExMBS: 8.120 microsecs, 500 found
RegEx: 317.797 microsecs, 500 found

String Created: 10.485.000 bytes
RegExMBS: 77.930 microsecs, 5.000 found
RegEx: 33.953.951 microsecs, 5.000 found

Tested in RS 2012r2.1 with 13.1 MBS Plugins.
Even with sampling on Mac OS X we can't see what the RegEx class does with all the CPU time. Maybe they simply rebuild the regular expression every time they do a search. We'll see. If you are interested, subscribe the Feedback case 24836. For now you can simply use our plugin if you need speed :-)

See test project: regex_speed_test.rbp.zip
23 02 13 - 23:10